Ahavas Yisroel!
This week on "Mitzvah Street" we focused on the mitzvah of "Ahavas yisroel", loving our friends.
It's not always an easy mitzvah to fulfil. Particularly when friends might say or do something not nice.
To empower our children with the tools to respond appropriately when someone might do something mean, we learnt about "Bucket-filling."
The book "Sara the Bucket-filler" helped us learn this very valuable tool!
Everyone has an imaginary bucket. Sometimes our bucket is full, thats when we are happy. But sometimes our bucket is empty. When someone's bucket is empty --she/he will feel sad and sometimes do things that make other peoples buckets empty!
We learned that we have to try and fill our friends buckets and by doing that our own bucket will also be filled.
"Bina the Bucket filler"
Our new friend "Bina the bucket filler" joined us at circle time and we got to see how it feels to have an empty or full bucket.
Esther shows us what her bucket felt like after
she gave Ava a high five!
Mendel shows us the face he would make if someone
says something nice to him
Faiga shows us how she would feel if
someone did something not nice to her
Batyas bucket felt full when she did a trick to make her friends happy
The feelings on our friends faces as we read "Sara the bucket filler"!
Sholom exploring the soft vs. rough textures to help visualize
what kind vs. mean words can feel like
Esther was so excited to get a bracelet from a friend!
Experiencing the joy of giving and sharing with others!
what kind vs. mean words can feel like
Friendship Bracelets
One morning the children were invited to "pick a friend" (we had a bowl of pictures of each child in the class) to make a "friendship bracelet" for that friend. This helped the children practice "Ahavas Yisroel" by gifting a friend with a bracelet! Ofcourse they worked on their fine motor skills to create these precious pieces!
Moshe making a bracelet for Mendel
Team work- Coloring Mural
We practiced working with friends, giving each other space to color a big beautiful butterfly!
Friendship Cookies
We enjoyed making cookie dough, and then shaping cookies to GIVE TO A FRIEND!
Experiencing the joy of giving and sharing with others!
Water play
We enjoyed a slip n slide and lots of wet water fun!
Reptile show
One of the highlights of our week was joining the older division to watch a reptile show!
Recycle inventions
Working together we created all sorts of fun things using recyclables!
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