Friday, July 6, 2018

Mini Gan Izzy- Brachos Blvd.

Mitzvah Street- at mini Gan Izzy this summer!

Each week we will explore another "Street " that will teach us all about a different Mitzvah. Our Mini Gan Bus with all our friends faces on it began at "Brachos Blvd"

Did you know that it's a mitzvah to thank Hashem for our food, every time we eat! And there is a different blessing we say to thank Him- depending on which food it is!

In addition to welcoming and transitioning many new friends, our goal this week was to help the children learn the difference between which foods grow in the ground "Adama" and which foods grow on a tree "Eitz."

Puppet teaches us about "Brachos" (Blessings)
During circle time our puppet friend, "Benny Bracha Boy" introduced all of our friends to the blessing of "Ha-adama" (for foods that grow in the ground.)
Watching the vegetables go into "Benny Bracha" mouth!

He then took us out to our own garden and we got to see some of the plants we grew!

Ava found a pea in the garden!

We got to taste some of the vegetables we picked. 

Watering the "Adama"

Fine Motor - Fruit Seed Game

Tweezing and Counting the correct number of seeds to match the number of dots on the fruit!

"Taking the learning Home"

The children made handprint trees as the background for a "Brachos sorting game" that will be sent home today! With a painted "Adama" (ground) and "Eitz" (tree), we created a velcro matching game for the children to be able to practice their blessings at home!  

There is a selection of "vegetables" and "fruits" that the children are invited to velcro stick into the correct place, while reciting the correct blessing!

"Hamotzi" Pizza making! 

enjoying our pizza lunch!


"Borei Pri Ha-eitz" salad!

Using plastic knives to cut melon, pineapple, berries and apples-- we worked on real life skills while remembering which foods grow in the "Adama" (ground) or "Eitz" (tree)!

Challah Making!

Practicing our fine motor skills with tweezers and peppers for the bracha Ha-adama!

Feeling a variety of different sized beans that grow in the "Adama."  Sharpening fine motor skills as the children place them in small containers!

Vegetable Match

The children were invited to match the correct top to the bottoms of vegetables that grow in the "Adama" ground.

Bubble-Mania- Look who is inside a bubble!!

Fun in the Sun- Water Play!

Enjoying the sandbox

living in the moment... exploring ladybugs!

Music and Movement

Music with Morah Malka!

Mazal tov Saige and Evan on their new baby sister Mila Belle!!

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