The Holiday of Sukkos is right around the corner! A circle time show was a fun way to learn why we make a sukkah (hut) during this holiday and EVERYTHING we do IN it, is a MITZVAH!
When we were traveling in the dessert many years ago, Hashem protected us from the animals and hot sand by surrounding us with clouds!
We headed outdoors to see the clouds in the sky. Can anyone reach them? We tried ;) This was a great way to realize what a BIG miracle it was for Hashem to bring the clouds down and surround us like a cozy cocoon.
The clouds were like a hug from Hashem! (minimal amount of walls for a kosher sukkah is 2 1/2 walls like a one arm hug !)
When we go inside the Sukkah we are surrounded by an extra spiritual light.
What does a HUG feel like ?
We had a couple of volunteers show us how hugs make us happy.
Since we can't bring the clouds down for the holiday we set up a hut structure to remind us about the safe miraculous clouds Hashem provided for us.
Pictures of different sukkahs were placed on our art table to inspire the children to make their own sukkah projects.
Making our own mini sukkah to play with. Batya and Shmuel helping with the process of putting the 'schach' the greenery that goes on top.
Arik arranging the furniture to go inside.
Cloud experiments and fun
We learned clouds also give us rain!
Shalom using a dropper and making rain coming down from the cotton ball clouds.
We had a lot of fun putting food coloring on top of the shaving cream 'cloud' and watching it absorb and slowly come down was quite mesmerizing.
A Cloud experiment using an air pump, rubbing alcohol and a bottle. The pressure of the air and alcohol creates a cloud like substance as you open the bottle.The first time around didn't work. This was a great hands on experience about what experimenting is! We kept on trying and even revisited it the following day!
We placed cotton balls in the water table and invited the children to get their hands wet and learn about absorption. Holes in the cups were a fun addition to make rain.
Chana rochel put her 'cloud' in the cup to watch the drips come down.
The main Mitzvah on Sukkos is to shake the Lulav and Esrog.
We shake the lulav and esrog in all six directions to show Hashem is all around us.
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