It was so nice to see our friends following the climax of all the high holidays, Simchas Torah, when we celebrate and dance with the Torahs. We start the entire Torah all over from the beginning starting with Breishis (Genesis) .
This week we focused on how Hashem made the entire world and is all around us. We took this opportunity to learn some of our directions.
Where is Hashem?
Our friends were excited to shout out "Everywhere!"
Its amazing to see by children, these deep concepts understood in such a pure and simple way.
We had fun during davening circle singing one of our favorite songs to remind us where Hashem is.
Hashem is here
Hashem is there
Hashem is truly everywhere
up, up, down, down
right, left and all around.
Here, there and everywhere
that's where He can be found!
Up and Down
Hashem is up and down! This was a great discussion as some children automatically think Hashem is only 'up there'. Hashem loves to be down here with us! This was a comforting thought, even when we are sad or get hurt when we feel quite down Hashem is there helping us through it.
This week we placed an assortment of activities to encourage direction usage.
Yarn hanging from the ceiling and scissors over our sensory table was great opportunity to practice our scissor skills as well as up and down.
Shalom watching the buttons fall DOWN the tube. Friends helping to pick UP the buttons.
Placing butcher paper under the art table helped the children practice the words up and down.
Esther and chana rochel lying down while creating their picture on top of them.
A fun sequin stool in our class was a fun sensory experience while learning up and down. Chana Rochel noticing the different designs while going different directions.
It was fun learning up and down during outside time. Up the stairs and down the slide. This was also a great lesson on turn taking and patience.
Back and front
Learning how Hashem is in front of us and in back of us! Chana Rochel using pipe cleaners in a colander and taking turns putting some in front as well as in back.
Bean bag fun with Morah leah! Practicing body parts as well as directions.
Fun outdoors!
Socializing with the Kindergarten class outside, are some of our friends highlight of the day.
Watching with fascination as our bearded dragon eats his lunch.
Sneak peek at next week
Getting ready for a very fun and wet week! We love when the children are part of the preparation process for the next unit. Our friends this week were very busy decorating our new bulletin board.
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