Monday, November 12, 2018

Parshat Toldos: The Voices In My Head

In this week's Parsha Yitzchak received the Bracha that Hashem promised Avraham. Yitzchak and Rivka were blessed with twins, Yakov and Eisav. 

Eisav was the older twin. We learnt that Eisav and Yakov did not look alike and didn't behave alike. 
Whenever Eisav had an option to do something right, he listened to his Yetzer Hara and made the wrong choice. When ever Yakov had the option of doing something good, he listened to his Yetzer Tov and made the right choice. 

In class we had a puppet show were we acted out daily scenarios and the children got to hear the different types of Yetzer Tov (Yakov) and Yetzer Hara (Eisav) voices.  

We also made Yakov and Eisav hand bands to remind us about the two voices in ourselves. Which voice are you going to listen to?
 Motty is working so nicely on the Yakov and Eisav bands.

After they grew up, Yakov realizes that Eisav might be the one to get the Brachos Hashem promised Avraham from Yizchak.
One day Yakov was making lentil soup for his father and Eisav walked into the house after a long day, very tired and hungry. There was no food around and Eisav had no patience so he asked Yakov to feed him from food he made. Yakov thought to himself it might be a good time to ask Eisav for his birthright and to receive the Beaches from his father.

Yakov told Eisav that he is willing to give him the soup and in exchange Eisav will give him the right to receive the Brachos from Yitzchak. 

Eisav agreed and Yakov fed him the soup.

In class we made a lentil soup and ate it as a snack. Rozie is helping with cutting the celery. Yisroel was telling us ''This actual soup makes you strong for real life''.

Aleph Beis

This week we focused on learning the names of the Hebrew letters.
 Learning can be fun, here we are playing bingo. 

Sight Words

Our kindergartners can read sight words like: can, I, see, like, go, my, a, the...
We had a lot of fun playing "I spy" for the sight words.  

Aleph Beis Adventures : הר starts with ה

Building a הר (har, mountain) together in the sand. 
Even the younger Torah Tots wanted to come and help!

After hunting for rocks outside, we worked together to build a הר on the letter ה.

Menachem uses glue and sand to create his letter ה.

Evan is making a Har with his body.

Eggciting E

After we peeled eggs, we got to make our own individual egg salad!

Evan had an innovative idea to smush his with a brick.


 Everyone thought that we were much stronger than eggs,
 but when we tried walking on them.
They didn't break!
(We did have a few casualties, may they rest in peace)

Wet, Dry, Try!
Practicing our fine motor skills, 
by using paintbrushes and water to paint over the letter E.

Happy Birthday Morah Leah!!

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