This week we brought the Torah portion to life by talking about the twins named Yakov and Esav. The life skill we focused on this week takes a life time of work, but can begin at the most tender age of our preschoolers.
Hearing voices?
Yakov was a sweet boy who involved himself in learning the Torah and doing good deeds. Esav on the other hand, was not like this and made bad choices.
We learn from these twins, and the pregnancy that their mother had- is that inside each of us we have two voices. A 'Yakov voice' and an 'Esav voice'. We need to try our best to listen to our 'Yakov voice' and IF we make a mistake, we can always fix it!
(It was important for the children not to be labeled 'bad' like Esav but rather we all have these voices inside of us and if we make a mistake and listen to that voice, we can always fix it.)
Esther and Emma acting out a scenario with puppets, role playing how Yakov and Esav would respond.
Mendel looking at pictures of twins. This started a whole conversation about his twin siblings, Shua and Chanie.
Mina found two little people that looked alike and wanted to show her friends the twins.
Esav was born with red hair all over his body. We placed contact paper to invite the children to place all sorts of red objects.
Printing out different scenarios of good choices and not good choices.
Was fascinating to watch how they processed what was happening in the picture and work out what box it belonged to. Some were tricky and required critical thinking. Each time we saw a 'Esav voice' picture we talked about what would a 'yakov voice' say to fix the situation?
Catching 'Yakov moments'.
Chanie found Mina's bracelet and returned it to her.
Arik wanted the Morah to put away his lunch box and we watched him light up when we spoke about the Yakov voice that's telling him he's such a big boy and can do it himself!
Batya took the Yakov puppet and put a coin in the Tzedakah box.
We heard beautiful singing from Moshe using the Yakov puppet to daven to Hashem.
Yakov puppet reading our mitzvah notes. Adelle got a kick out of the puppet being proud of her for using her 'Yakov voice'.
Adelle and Esther counting sticks.
Mina counting the apples on her tree.
Eli making leaf prints.
Fun fine motor skills taking turns pulling colorful scarfs out of a ball with holes.
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