Friday, January 11, 2019

Parshat Bo: A Stubborn Heart

Parshat Bo: A Stubborn Heart

This week we were introduced to the idea of Gematria. Each letter of the Alef Beis has a corresponding number it represents. The name of this week's Parsha is Bo, בא which equals to 3 using Gematria. The number 3 in the name of the Parsha is hinting to the last 3 makos (plagues) that we learnt about in this week's Parsha. 

1) Makas Arbeh - locusts/grasshoppers
2) Makas Choshech -darkness
3) Makas Bechoros - death of the firstborn.

Paroah had a stubborn heart. Every time he asked Moshe and Aron to stop the Makah he promised to let them go... but right after, Paroah became stubborn and changed his mind!
Yisroel is pretending to be Moshe, and he is talking to Paroah...

Morah Davina brought grasshoppers to school to show the children how they look!
We had a vote afterward to decide whether we should let them go or feed them to the bearded dragon.
Let's just say the bearded dragon wasn't very hungry for the rest of the day!

We played a fun game for Makas Choshech (plague of darkness)! Morah Davina hid some jewels around the classroom. The children tried to find all the jewels but did not touch it.
The Jewish people were able to see during makas choshech. But they didn't take anything from the Mitzriyim (Egyptians). When the Jews left Mitzrayim the Mitzriyim gave them all of their jewels.

Busy With Birthdays

Happy 6th Birthday Motty and Saige!
We love watching you learn and grow!

We love when mommies and daddies come into the class to share birthdays with us!

Can you count how many friends can fit on a slide?

Our Class Is Becoming Fluent In Alef Bais 

This week we had a lot of fun playing different Alef Bais games. Playing Alef Bais games helps us memorize the letters. Here we are playing Alef Bais Bingo.

We can definitely see the difference in the children that practice at home!! Keep it up!

Writing the letter with chalk while saying it makes us memorize it much better.

Forming Words 

                      Yisroel is working on filling in the beginning and ending sounds.

The children are turning sounds into words.
Glueing and glowing words are a lot of fun! This way we will figure out the word and eventually be able to read it smoothly.
                                                         Bela Riva is doing a great job!

We can read a lot of sight words.
 Saige went fishing for the fish with the sight word You.

Math In Groups 

Working together  on answering the math problems. 

                             The girls worked as a team to sort out the numbers into even and odd.

Adventures in Aleph Bais: כ

A matching game that involves our whole body!
Bringing games to the floor is always a fun twist

Evan uses cheerios to make the letter Kuf.
Everyone was excited to eat them after!

Using rubber band boards for some fine-motor practice.

for the letter K we involved a few different things that start with "k".
Evan found the correct numbered Key, then he was able to open the lock.

Faiga opened a new restaurant using kinetic sand and her imagination

Learning how to sequence, 
we looked at the pictures and then had to place them in the correct order.
We made up some silly stories about the pictures!

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