Thursday, January 17, 2019

What are OUR roots?

Tu B'shvat is around the corner. After learning all about the parts of the tree, appreciating growth and the process of growing it was now time to learn a deeper lesson.

How as Jews, are we similar to trees? Specifically the roots?

Heading outdoors to look at the beautiful trees Hashem has created.

With all our strength we tried pushing down the tree.
"Why is it not falling down?"
Some answers we heard.
"Because the branches are so long."
"It's so heavy."

Under the big beautiful tree we learned about the purpose of the roots.
Under the ground are strong thick roots holding up this gorgeous tree.

We headed indoors to circle time to take our lesson to the next level.
We bought a mirror and invited each child to share with us what makes them feel strong.

Esther, "When I eat cheese."

Yanky, "Water makes me strong."
Mendel wanted to demonstrate how strong he was by picking up the mirror.

Emma, "When I'm with my family I feel strong"

While these were great and correct answers. It was now time to learn what makes a Jew strong!

The precious gift of the Torah was given to the Jews and it has kept us around for thousands of generations. By learning its beautiful lesson it will give us our 'roots' to weather life's storms.

There has been so much growth since the beginning of the school year. While talking about how strong and big they are, we had fun pointing out different areas where they have grown.

Yanky is now tall enough to reach his own backpack in his cubby!

Mina and Shalom stacking the chairs by themselves.

The big lego box was quite heavy. Two children started dragging it when we heard Moshe call out. "Hey lets get more friends to help us!" Friends started coming and working out on their own how to get the box to fit in the correct spot. While this showed how physically strong they were getting, it also showed us how their cooperation and teamwork has grown so much since the beginning of the year!

We opened a Torah and looked inside to see the Hebrew letters. Moshe counted all the Alefs he saw.

Mendel tracing the Hebrew letter 'Mem' for his name.

Working on our Tu B'shvat hats.
Chanie practicing her cutting skills by snipping blades of grass.

We noticed Mina helping Batya trace her arm and hand to make a tree.

Mina C. glueing on her leaves.

Rainy day fun bringing the bikes indoors!

Friday Shabbos party happiness. 

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