Thursday, January 31, 2019

What happens when we DON'T plan?

As teachers, we love to plan curriculums that are inviting and fun. However, this week we decided NOT to plan. As a teacher it's a bit scary but as we learned this week, so very rewarding.

It was a week of LISTENING. The children's imaginations were the top priority. What is on their mind? When we usually have a 'topic' we get to hear a lot of very important other topics that are on their mind, but this week THAT is exactly what the topic was.

After a trip to New York for the Chabad world wide conference, we got into a discussion about planes. Where would you go if you were on a plane?

Chana rochel would fly far away to get treats. Arik told us about his family on a airplane.

Becoming Authors and Artists

 We created blank books to invite the children to create their very OWN book. Some of them gave us blank stares. They hear many books being read to them and now it felt like a daunting task to create their own. After some starter questions the stories began flowing. 

Mina wanted to make a book about her little baby brother.

Chanie wanted to draw about her father during supper time. 
Batya got very animated about the airport.
It was so rewarding to just LISTEN.

The follow up
The next day we had pictures printed out from what they mentioned the previous day. 
Moshe made a book about his parents and candy. We made sure to have an assortment of pictures of candy if he wanted to add it to his book. This was also a great message to our friends, that we are here to listen to them. Their thoughts and ideas matter and are so important to us.

Reading their very own book to their friends during circle time. This was a great practice on public speaking and self confidence.

Holding up the book so all could see their beautiful pictures was a learned skill.

Imagination art inspired by the book "Spilled milk."

Eli put white paint inside his blue construction paper and after unfolding it he told us what it looked like to HIM. "A Shoe".

Imaginations at play
Our favorite moments are during 'free play'. Their imaginations are hard at work and we love watching them put their ideas together to come up with a fun game or role play.

The children had fun putting on a concert of made up songs.

In our dramatic play area a train of chairs were off on a fun trip.

Moshe made a music speaker. Mendel made a sheep!

Torah, Torah I love you!

Watching the rain.

 Happy 3rd Birthday to our dear friend, Esther!

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