Thursday, February 7, 2019

Let's Shape Up!

Shape Unit
For the next two weeks, we will be 'Shaping up'. Shape recognition and experience all the shapes around us.
We will be adding a 'Jewish twist' by creating a fun Jewish shape book at the end of this unit. Each shape representing a different Mitzvah.

Shalom finding all the circle items in the basket.

Mina found a square with squares in it!

Mendel drawing a circle in salt.

Esther and Eli matching the circle items to the right size circle.

Tzedaka coins are circles! 

Chana Rochel was excited to find her lunch being a circle.

Arik told us he has a lot of circles. 

How many squares are in the toilet paper roll? It was fun guessing the amount and counting them.

Moshe finding the line to create a square.

Mina having a fun sensory experience with playdough and squares.

Working hard on our square page for our Mitzvah shape book.

Morah Malka teaching us a fun square song!

Yanky tracing a triangle magnet tile. It required a lot of patience and multi tasking to hold it while tracing.

Eli and Mina talking about triangles while improving their gross motor skills by balancing on the tape.

Shalom making a beautiful structure using many shapes.

The Hebrew month of Adar is the most joyous month of the year. We got into the spirit this week!

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