Friday, March 1, 2019

Parshat Vayakhel: Shearing and Caring (about our Planet)

In this week's Torah portion we learnt that Moshe gathered the Jewish people to remind them about keeping Shabbos.  Why did Moshe remind them about keeping Shabbos right before instructing them to build the Mishkan?

Because they were so excited about the Mitzva of building the Mishkan, they might forget to stop before Shabbos. From here we learn that even though building the Mishkan is such an important Mitzva, keeping shabbos is even more important. 

After Moshe reminded the Jewish people about Shabbos, many of them helped build the Mishkan. Betzalel and Oholiav were in charge of building the Mishkan. Hashem gave them special wisdom and talent to know exactly how to build the Mishkan. 

Some women helped with weaving special pieces for the Mishkan. 
In class we spoke about the process of shearing, spinning and weaving. Our children were so excited when Morah Beth showed us how she can knit. we also got to touch and feel the wool she is using for the scarf that she is knitting.

Morah Beth explained to us that hand-made work takes time and effort and that makes it so special!

Buried Treasure!
The children have so much Ahavas Yisroel and helped cover each other with sand.

Reading And Measuring 

This week we learned the measuring sound ם.
Look at the new letter, it makes the sound M and it looks like a measuring tape. 
We all had fun measuring our friends.

Vowels And Singing 

This week we had a lot of fun learning the vowels. Rozie is counting how many vowels are in the word.

Here the children had to fill in the graph and add the word to the correct column of the bar graph.

Put on your glasses and lets go hunting for these letters A E I O U

Did you know that you can sing a tune with the vowel sounds but not with consonants. 

Rozie spelled this, can you read it?

R is for Robots, Raisins and Rainbows

Using playdough and different materials to create STEAM- inspired Robots!

Sorting Rainbow cereal by color was a little challenging, 
but it helped that we got to eat it at the end!

We followed a recipe to make Rainbow playdough!
Mendel lined his up in a beautiful rainbow pattern.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

We focused this week on taking care of our planet!
Dovi wanted to save his ziploc bag so his mommy could reuse it and send less trash to the landfill.
Recycling could be turning trash into treasured art!

Focusing on the process, first we cut all the pieces we needed

Planning out where the pieces go.

Glueing down our masterpieces!

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