Thursday, March 7, 2019

Two special Jewish Heros come to life!

Jewish Holidays are a special opportunity for us to instill life lessons in our students. Purim is around the corner and we will soon be reading from the Megillah.

As an introduction to the story of Purim and the miracle that took place, we first wanted the children to really feel connected to the two heroes of the story: Mordechai and Esther, and to most importantly view them as role models for their own lives.

Mordechai the leader of the Jewish people at that time, was also a 'Rebbe' (teacher) of small children and would teach them Torah!
Esther a modest Jewish woman who filled her day with many mitzvahs, would play a very important role in saving the Jewish nation from harm.

How powerful for the children to really get to know them and feel empowered that THEY can be just as great as them, thousands of years later!

Mordechai & Esther's Jewish home

Our dramatic play center turned into "Mordechai & Esther's  Jewish home." We filled their home with items that might have been found if we went back in time and were invited by Mordechai and Esther themselves. Lots of Judaica, Shabbat supplies: candles, challah, Tzedakah. 

Our little 'Esthers' lighting the Shabbos candles.

We placed directions how to braid a three braid challah dough on the table for those who wanted to teach themselves. 

Sweet conversations over making challahs.

Very busy cooking delicious challah in time for Shabbos.

We placed pictures of them giving Tzedaka at the 'Tzedaka center' in our Jewish home.

Esther wanted to sing a Torah song to her little baby.

We do Mitzvahs just like Mordechai and Esther!
We drew our favorite mitzvahs. Sholom showing our Mordechai and Esther puppets his Mitzvah of hugging his friends.

Coins and sorting skills on sticky contact paper.

Tzedakah and sensory. We hid many coins inside the play dough. Our friends had to work hard finding them and placed the coins in the Tzedakah box.

Placing black beads as the 'raisins' on their challahs and practicing our counting skills.

Sholom our Alef Beis pointer at circle time. Mordechai, even though being a Jewish leader over thousands of Jews, his most important job was teaching little children Alef Beis and the Torah!

This week we included Mordechai and Esther in our mitzvah note routine. After reading each child's mitzvah note they taped them onto Mordechai and Esther who would have been so proud of them!

Catching sweet 'Mordechai & Esther' moments!

Friends role modeling sweet and kind behavior. This was also a great conversation started to wonder what type of manners and kindness Mordechai and Esther had.

Adelle stood by the sink and helped all her friends by holding the water faucet down.

Mendel and Sholom while waiting for their friends at line up time decided to give each other a hug!

Emma noticed Mina was trying to reach her challah dough in the oven and helped her out.

Happy Birthday to our dear friend Chanie on her 3rd birthday! We love you!

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