Friday, December 13, 2019

Just the Opposite!

Just the Opposite

This week as a preparation for Chanukah Pre-k dived into a lesson about opposites.
Chanukah is a holiday full of opposites!
The small group of Maccabees against the large Greek army. A little bit of oil lasting for a long time.
We spoke about how opposites are two things that are completely different. Like the day and night or dark and light. Everyone found it really tricky to say the Aleph Beis and the ABCs backwards instead of forwards.
Playing a game to match our opposite to our friends, then we get to give each other a high five.

One important opposite that people use everyday is our right and left hands!
We got to wear a red right hand bracelet and a light left hand bracelet to help us remember.

Playing an opposite board game with Morah Sarah. Rolling the die and touch-counting forwards and backwards. Emma told her friends the opposite she landed on.
Some friends chose to make an opposite book! Coloring, cutting and gluing on the right page.

Our class wrote a book! When I'm Bigger 
each child contributed a page and helped to illustrate our front cover.

Spencer makes a dark and light dreidel pattern.
Emma explores how hot pink water can melt cold ice.

Tamar weaves paper in an under and over pattern.
Sorting coins big,medium and small.

Gross motor opposites

Using our whole body to practice opposites. Up and down we moved the parachute!
We twirled friends around to the right and the left.
Painting upside down was not so easy! 

 We realized opposites can be connected.
Tamar connects the uppercase D to it's opposite, the lowercase d.
In our Go Fish game we had to match a baby animal ABC card to an adult animal ABC card.

Batya hunts for the colorful Aleph Beis sticker to match to the Daled.

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