Friday, December 13, 2019

Parsha Lessons- What we can do when we feel stuck!

Yakov and his family left Lavan's house and traveled to Eretz Yisroel. 

Yakov found out that his brother Eisav is still angry at him and is preparing for a war. So Yakov prepared to meet his brother Eisav.

First Yakov Davens (prays) to Hashem to help him protect his family. 
In class we spoke about how when we feel stuck or scared we can ask Hashem to help us and give us strength.  Second thing he did was send gifts to Eisav, instead of giving him one gift he split it into groups and gave him a bunch of gifts. We can learn from Yakov that when someone is upset we can write a sorry letter or give them a sorry gift. This week we got to practice it in class when children made a mistake they got to fix it with writing a sorry letter.
Last, Yakov prepared his family for war. He split his group into two, one with his family and the other with his belongings.

While they were traveling Yakov came by a river and had to cross it. Yakov went back and forth to help cross his family and his belongings. 

Some of our friends built a river. 
How do you think Yakov crossed the river with his family? Do you think they got wet?

After moving all of his belongings, Yakov realized that he forgot a jar so he went back to get it.

In class we spoke about how we can learn from Yakov not to waist. It is called Bal Tashchis (not to waste). We should recycle what we can and not throw useful things away.  When Yakov went back, a Malach (Angel) of Eisav fought him the whole night. Early in the morning after Yakov won the battle with the malach, the malach wanted to leave. Yakov wanted a Bracha from the malach but instead the malach gave Yakov a new name.
This week we learned that a name has a meaning and when someone switches or adds a name it can add a different meaning. 
I asked the children: Do you know why your parents gave you your name? What does your name mean?
The malach told Yakov that his name would be Yisrael.
The name Yisroel means "won over" because Yakov won over the Malach!He also "won over" Lavan and Eisav.

This week we had a "show and tell" in our class. Our children really enjoyed it and would like to do it more often:)

Rozie brought a dead baby shark and a head of an alligator, our friends were surprised and 
excited at the same time! 

Last Friday we had a wonderful birthday party in our class!!
Happy 5th birthday Moshe!!!

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