Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Happy Birthday World!


We really wanted the children to understand why Rosh Hashana is so special.
Rosh Hashana is the day that Hashem created people. We celebrate it as the world's birthday!
But why isn't Rosh Hashana on the first day, when the actual world was created? (Which is 6 days earlier)
Meir told us the world was finished when people were created.

Just like a birthday party doesn't start until the birthday boy or girl is there. Hashem didn't consider the world officially created until people were there. Hashem created the world just for US to fill with mitzvos and light.

Now we have a brand new year to fill with mitzvos!
Putting our pictures next to our birthday month.


The Rosh Hashana Challah is round like the cycle of the year. 
During Challa baking Some friends chose to add raisins for a sweet year!

This week we celebrated our friend Meir's birthday! We made him birthday cards and turned it into a birthday book to show how much we care! It was a great opportunity to bridge the connection in the childrens minds between birthdays and Rosh Hashanah.
On Rosh Hashana we use a special book too, called a Machzor!
By davening time, we got to look at the Machzor.

On Rosh Hashana we use the machzor to ask Hashem for and give a lot of brachos.

Just like at a birthday! At our birthdays in class we use different objects to remind ourselves of different brachos to give our friends.

On our birthdays, we remember to get close and give hugs to our Mommies and Daddies, who take care of us and love us. 
When we do Tashlich, we get close to Hashem and we throw our Aveiros into a river, lake or ocean with fish.
Mina gets up close and personal with the fish!

Birthday parties have special foods and so does Rosh Hashana. 
Preparing these foods make us more excited for birthdays.
Making our own pomegranate juice.

Making sweet honey cookies!
A lot of friends asked for the recipe, so you can let Morah Davina know if you want it!

The shofar will be blown when moshiach comes, the biggest celebration of all!
We blow the shofar on Rosh Hashana to remind us to show up for Hashem, 
fix our mistakes and fill the world with mitzvos! Hands-on learning the different Shofar sounds.

For our kinesthetic learners, we played a fun game of "Rabbi will you blow the Shofar!"
We needed to take Tekiah, Shevarim, Teruah and Tekiah Gedolah steps.

Sholom and Mendel tied in this Rosh Hashana matching game.
Mina connected the dots to create the ram.

Painting and Spraying our Rosh Hashana honey dishes!
 Thank you Morah Shira for toiveling them!

Happy Birthday Meir!
A Rosh Hashana birthday is so special!
Keep learning and growing! 
We love you!

Mazal Tov to the Conboy Family on the bris of their new baby boy!

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