Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Rosh Hashanah senses and shapes

We have been hard at work getting ready for Rosh Hashana!
There are so many senses involved with this holiday. The sweet tastes, smells, textures of different fruits and recognizing different shapes of fruits.
Menucha was a big fan of the apple dipped in honey!

We invited our friends to make their own apple dish. Was interesting to observe the different techniques while gluing our apples down. Yakov, learned if he covered his plate with glue he needs to work fast before it drys. Chana, preferred adding a drop of glue to each apple ;)

Menachem, by circle time, walked around with a pomegranate. Is it an apple? It looks different! We opened it up enjoyed the surprise of discovering so many seeds. Does it have a smell? What does it taste like?

WE are filled with Mitzvahs! Just like there are many seeds, we do many mitzvahs!
To bring this message home we placed many mitzvah seed notes on our decorated pomegranate. 

 Qtips was a fun way to make many seeds! Chana, was quite thrilled she had a pomegranate in her lunchbox!

Learning shapes while making our round Challahs for Rosh Hashanah. Little black beads were an invitation to be the raisins or chocolate chips to add extra sweetness!

                            Playing a game can you find the circle, round challahs for Rosh Hashana?

Making our own version of round Challahs and putting them in our oven to bake!

Shua made the connection, while thinking about circles- he was excited to point out that our line up stickers were circles!

Proudly wearing our pomegranate mitzvah hats!

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