Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Raining in California?!

This week is the Torah portion of Noach. Noach, was a great man in his generation but the rest of the world was not. The world needed to be cleaned by Hashem and get a restart.

We started off the week inviting our friends to the sensory table which was filled with different items to wash. We talked about bath time and getting wet. Being in California, most of our little friends do not remember what rain is! So we started off with something familiar as bath time.

Through a puppet show we learned how Noach and his wife Naama were told to build a big boat (Teiva) for their family and all the animals. Noach, came around to each friend saying hi to their animal and inviting them in. Some were shy and we took this opportunity to talk about how we feel when there is a change. Hashem is with us and comforting us with whatever we are going through.

Role playing the story during free play.

Boats at sea. Menucha, spotted a shark with her telescope! Yakov, brought animals into his.

We noticed Chana in our recycling draw, and she found her own boats to play with!

Creating our own boat scene.

Learning about WET and DRY. Our friends had to guess with touch and with out.

What do we use when it rains? Chana, role modeling how to use an umbrella. Could Noach use that when it rained ? No! was too much!

Headed outdoors to feel what it's like to be under the umbrella in wet rain weather.

Science experiment using shaving cream as the clouds and watching the 'rain' drops fall through.

Learning about negative space. Ben, first colored with white crayon on his paper. Painting on top of the wax medium created a neat scene of raining.

Menachem and Chana creating their own cows for their boat while observing what a real cow looks like.

Let's light up the world!
When Noach and his family came out, Hashem showed them a beautiful rainbow. This symbolizes He will never again send a world flood and now its time to fill the world with beautiful mitzvahs!
Menachem matching his colored mitzvah note to our bulletin board rainbow!

Experimenting with milk and colors watching them move on the plate with dish soap on our Qtips.
We also had fun colors in a bag to mix and watch what happens.

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