Friday, October 16, 2020

The Secret Recipe

 We began the week reviewing what Hashem created during the 6 days of creation.
Batya got up close and personal with some wet sand created on Day Number 3.

But what did Hashem create all these things for?

To help the children understand this big idea, each child found a photograph that was of his/her own house! Everyone was so excited to find and hold a picture that was THEIRS!

We noticed that everyone's houses looked different.
Different friends told us things they have that are different in their house. 
Like a swing set or a chandelier.

Everyone liked their house the best, and feels the most comfortable in their own home.
Using this understanding of their feelings of love towards their own homes, and the comfort and safety they experience in their own homes, we went to the next step, to bridge the understanding to what Hashem's home might need to look like!

When Hashem created the world, he gave us the job of making it into a comfortable home for Him.
To understand how we do that, we decided to make some playdough.

We had all the right ingredients and friends took turns adding them to the pot.
We didn't use a recipe, we just added the amount we wanted to.

It didn't work! It turned into flour and salt soup!
Meir told us "we didn't put the right amounts"

Next we decided that we should use a recipe, lo and behold it turned into playdough!

By following the recipe, it turned into a really nice textured, fun to play with playdough!

Hashem gave us a recipe to make the world into a comfortable home for him.
Hashem gave us the Torah, and by using His creations to learn Torah and do Mitzvos, we are making a comfortable home for Hashem. 

Color mixing science, we made mini worlds!
Creating the different days using popsicle sticks!

practicing our fine motor skills and the letters of our names!

Reflecting on our favorite moments of Tishrei!

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