Friday, November 6, 2020

Love Lessons

 This weeks Torah portion Vayeira speaks about the amazing qualities of kindness and acceptance of Avraham and Sarah, The first of the Avot and Imahot (forefathers and mothers of the Jewish people.)
So much so that the tent they lived in had 4 doors open to the four directions.
We were lucky to be able to experience having a tent in our classroom too!

Avraham and Sarah loved having guests so much, and they were great hosts. They always gave their guests before themselves, and made special foods just for them.
We wanted to experience what Avraham and Sarah did , so we invited the Torah Tots class to come and visit our tent.
Chana Rochel decorates the card.
Morah Shira reads out the invitation to her class.

collaging a welcome sign
Coloring Avraham's tent.

Welcome Torah Tots! 
We wanted our guests to be the most comfortable, so we gave them chairs and we sat on pillows.

We wanted to make special foods for our guests, just like Avraham.
We had tons of fun making a special trail mix for them to enjoy.
We also offered the food first to our guests before we ate.

Avraham cared for everyone so much, that even when he heard the city of Sodom was  going to be destroyed he begged Hashem, pleading if there are 50 good people will you not destroy it?
Or 40, or 30 ....
This was a city of bad people, but Avraham cared for everyone!
We counted by 10's to visualize these numbers for the children.

Taking the lessons of Avraham a bit deeper, 
we explored how we can love and care for everyone like Avraham did.
We talked about how people can look different, be taller or shorter and have different skin colors.
But Avraham cared and loved for everyone the same!
Hashem put a special ingredient in our skin called melanin,
if you have more melanin your skin is darker, if you have less, your skin is lighter.
Esther and Meir compare their hands to see who has more melanin.

Does having more or less melanin make people and objects different? 
We did an experiment to find out.
Comparing brown eggs and white eggs to see if there is a difference.
A lot of people didn't like the smell, Mendel included!

On the inside they looked the same!
And they both tasted good!
We realized that even though they are different colors, that doesn't make one better or worse.
 After all they could both be used to make a delicious cake!

People from different places can look or speak different.
Solving a puzzle depicting different countries.
Creating different kinds of people.

Having different people, that speak differently or look differently makes the world a beautiful place.
We illustrated this concept through the medium of Avraham's tent.
Each child used one color only, but by working together everyone had a beautiful rainbow colored tent!

Aftercare enjoying the parachute, some people even went underneath like a tent!


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