Thursday, November 5, 2020

Who can see Hashem?

In this week's Torah portion Vayeira, we learn that Hashem revealed Himself to Avraham. 

Are we able to SEE Hashem

This week we discovered that children have a special connection to Hashem.

First we talked about how Hashem is inside all of us! Menachem and Yakov, singing about their Neshama (a piece of Hashem inside all of us)
Hashem is also in everything!

This week we invited our friends to focus on the meaning of Shema.  
During this holy prayer, which we recite daily at circle time, we are acknowledging Hashem is one - He IS everything.
We close our eyes during this prayer, to help us think about this concept, to truly understand what this verse means takes more concentration since we live in a world where Hashem is hidden. 

Acting out the paragraph following Shema. Even when we are asleep Hashem is there. Menachem making his home, Hashem is there.

Here is where we saw first hand how children have an extra special connection to Hashem.

When we went on a "Hashem hunt" looking at different places in our classroom and asking is Hashem here? Yes!

Well, as I started explaining, "Although we can't SEE Hashem, we know He is there..."
Some of our friends looked at us Morah's with some confused faces and said loudly, "I see Hashem!"

It was very clear that children have a special direct connection to Hashem, and are not distracted by all the other 'stuff' that happens in this world. 

It was a powerful moment that we will treasure and remember , we learn from our students the most!

Fall unit
While talking about how Hashem is in everything- we headed outdoors and discovered what Hashem does in the fall time.
Listening to the crunch of the leaves, looking at the colors and acting out the wind.


Making our own wind in our classroom.

Fall art, Menachem decorating his fall leaf and Shua making fall leaves using a bunch of Qtips.

Negative space art. Shua and Ben painting over leaves and creating a beautiful fall scene.

Making holes in leaves was a fun way to use our muscles.
Chana playing with fall scented playdough and observing what designs she can make while pressing fall items ontop. 

Leaves on our parachute was so much fun!

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