Learning how to be independent and organized. Yanky, documenting his project on his own finding his file name.
There are a lot of routines during the day to remember so during our 'Family meeting' time we breakdown what those routines and procedures look like. This is a great time to ask questions and to visually see what the expectations.
The family meeting time will also be dedicated to our implementation of conscious discipline. This week we touched our deep breathing. We learned how important it is to breathe through our nose and fill up our belly with air and breath out with our mouth. Practicing our balloon breathing by inhaling as we blew up our balloon and making funny noises as we exhale.
Watching Mina and Batya's tummy to see how it goes out when we breath in. Batya, balancing a feather on her tummy to really observe the difference.
Rosh Hashanah is around the corner and we started off by learning the 3 different sounds. Sholom and Esther drawing the sounds.
Sholom practicing with a real Shofar. While being so aware of breathing this week he realized he needed deep breathes to make a long sound.
After listening to the recording of shofar sounds and baby crying sounds we learned how they are similar. Just like a parent will do anything for a child who's crying. Hashem is always loving us and taking care of us. We played a game of one child going out and a friend recorded on the iPad their crying sound. It was hard to guess who it was!
Arik created the Teruah sound using pretzels. Esther wrote the word king on playdough.
We have started our Kria Alef Beis learning this week. Each day we are learning the Chassidus behind each letter. Chana Rochel creating the light on the two hiding yuds on the Alef symbolizing Hashem adn our Neshama. what connects Hashem and us together is the vav representing the Torah.
With Chai Elul being this week, we talked about another two lights that were born on this day. Sholom and Chana Rochel wanted to dress up like the Bal Shem Tov and the Alter Rebbe they safley held flames representing their Torah that lights up the world. Yanky, using blow art to create a fiery flame.
We enjoyed a Chai Elul fabrengen.
Beis and Ves we learned how it looks like a house missing a wall. Hashem created a world but not complete . Our Mitzvahs are the missing wall! We taped our friends mitzvah notes on blocks and closed our mini house.
It has been so nice watching our friends just get pick up where they left off and and enjoy much needed social play time .
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