Friday, August 27, 2021

Buzzing in to a sweet new year!

School Family

We welcomed our friends on the first day by inviting them to find their family photo that was displayed on the table. We chose this welcome activity so the children would have something familiar to connect with, as well as reinforce the school culture of each of our students being part of a school family. 

The children decorated the picture frame with stickers, and found a hook to mount it on our Gan Family Tree wall!

Puppet Friend teaches us about our classroom

For circle time, our friends were introduced to a puppet friend who has never been in school before. She had so many questions about how to use different centers in our classroom! 
We don't assume the children know how to appropriately use all the materials in the classroom, so this was a great way for them to learn.

We had photos of the different centers that were introduced to the children, so we can learn what takes place at each center.  The visuals were helpful for the children to learn all this new stuff! We kept these puppet visuals out for the children to explore/look at/ask more questions!

Bee-ing Sweet

Our big idea for the new year & Rosh Hashana is for the children to make the connection between the sweetness of honey and the sweetness of doing a Mitzvah. 
We created a sweet honey jar to contain descriptions of all the sweet things we notice in our classroom.  We are also using it as a place to keep our Mitzvah notes. 

The children enjoyed learning how bee's make honey, with our flowers and beehive center. The children were invited to pretend to be bees, sucking nectar from the flowers in our sensory box, and then use tweezers to take the nectar to the beehive adjacent to it. They used their fine motor skills to fit the "nectar" into the hive.

Another fun way for the children to understand how the bees make honey, was to squeeze droppers (decorated like bees) into water (nectar)), and drop it into hive shaped pieces.

We also invited the children to use thistle blocks to create pretend bee hives.

Our bulletin board invited all of our friends as buzzing bees, doing sweet things! 

On Thursday we had a special Rally with Rabbi Lang, in honor of "Chai Elul", the Birthdays of the Bal Shemtov & Alter Rebbe.

Alef Beis Enrichment
As a way to introduce the Alef beis to our students we shared with them how special these letters are. They are not like ABC or any other language! Hashem created the entire world through these holy letters! So when we learn the names of the letters, it is very special for our Neshama! 

We hid a bunch of letters around the classroom, (just like Hashem is hidden in the world) and the children were invited to find the letters, and then match them to the letters on their page at the table!

We look forward to different games, movements, songs and art this year as we expose the children to the holy letters of the Alef Beis.

Happy 4th Birthday to Menachem Freeman! 
Thank you for gifting our classroom with some new food toys for our dramatic play center!

Fun in the sun


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