Thursday, September 2, 2021

Rosh Hashanah and Alef Beis Chassidus

With all the Rosh Hashanah preparation and business how much more so we need to stop and take a deep breath and get a full amount of air for our brains. 

 It is actually quite difficult to breath in and fully fill your stomach with air when sniffing in from your nose. Esther helped us demonstrate with a rope around her tummy.

The morah is the 'safe keeper' however it has been empowering to have our friends be called our helpers in this job. 
Throughout the day we notice areas we can work on to be more safe. 
Our friends take the pictures to add to our book of how to be safe during circle time.
Yanky, demonstrated when we can rock our chairs and when we keep them straight. 

Visual picture expectations on our safe keeper box.

Making Davening routine meaningful by learning different body parts by Asher yatzar. Mina, helped us learn fun fact about the belly button one morning.

Continuing our Rosh Hashanah learning by practicing writing key words of the holiday.

Esther, creating apple structures using toothpicks.

Arik, hydro dipping his honey dish.

Learning about scales and how Hashem looks at all the mistakes and mitzvahs we have done.
Batya helping us add our mitzvah notes to the scale.

Making honey lolly pops. Our friends learned the ingredients, how to be safe and how to use a candy thermometer. We learned by experience when the temperature got too high it burned really quick.

We brought our goldfish to davening circle and learned about Tashlich. We davened that all our mistakes should go into the water.

Alef Beis review. We have been doing a lot of one on one work and time ourselves to watch the progress.

During Alef Beis chassidus this week we learned how Hashem created gimmel before daled. Gimmel is 'gavir' rich and daled is 'dal' poor. Hashem gives us money to give to tzedakah. Chanie, dressed up as gimmel and with a blindfold tried to find the daled in the room to give him money.

Decorating gimmel with a lot of money and looking to give.

Using our cutting skills to create patches for the "poor" daled.

Hey shows us we can't just use our mind and speech to do a mitzvah but we need our hands to actually DO it!
We role played a friend in need. Esther and Arik first just thought about her and talked about what the friend needed. But what she really needed is someone to help her pass a tissue. Without our hand piece of the hey the 'Daled' can fall over.

A Vav is like a hook that connects us to Hashem.  The Torah is that hook. Sholom playing fishing and trying to just get the vavs.

Being part of the process of wrapping up our Rosh Hashanah crafts. 
Some of our friends got to learn how to curl ribbon. ;)


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