This week we continued to develop our "bee-ing sweet" theme, by focusing on the sweet Mitzvos our friends can do. As we began circle time, Yossi noticed that Leah was sad because she wanted to sit next to Menachem, so he did something sweet, and moved his seat, so Leah would be able to sit where she preferred! We are hanging our "sweet mitzvah's" on our honey jar, to reinforce the connection between Mitzvah's and honey!
We decorated honey jars to beautify our Rosh Hashana tables, and enjoyed lots a fun sensory RH themed water table fun. Squeezing apple and honey shaped sponges in and out of the water. It is so fascinating to see how the sponge can hold so much water, and then squeeze it out!
Bee Hive building! The children used pictures of beehives as inspiration to build their own!
Bee Math and Motor skills fun
Cry of the Shofar
To help the children understand why we blow the Shofar and what it signifies, we set up a baby care center in our classroom one morning.
During circle time we listened to an audio of a baby crying, alongside an audio of a Shofar sound. We noticed the similarities.
A baby doll visited our circle time, and cried.
What is a baby telling us when a baby cries? Our friends all knew that the baby wants his Mommy or Daddy to be there with him, and help him.
When we blow the shofar on Rosh Hashana, we are calling out to our spiritual father, Hashem! We are asking Him to be close to us, and care for us.
Tekia, Shevarim, Teruah
Children learn best when the learning engages their entire body!
To help them remember the names of the Shofar sounds, we taped visuals of the 3 sounds on our rug.
Using their whole body movements, the children were able to jump to the tune of the different Shofar sounds. We also added blocks to the rug one morning, inviting the children to "create" the sounds with the blocks!
Alef Beis
This week we focused on distinguishing the difference between a Beis and a Veis. The two letters look SO similar! There is only ONE difference! The Dot inside the Belly of the Beis!
The children enjoyed some fun movement activities with the letters taped onto the floor. When Morah called out the name of the letter, they had to jump in or outside of the letter, to determine if its a Beis or a Veis.
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