Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Ladders and Letters

We have been very excited learning the vowel Kamatz. Our friends feel very big that they are starting the process of reading. 
This week we started our Kria groups. One group learning how to follow and point even when it's not our turn to read. The other group is doing an interactive workbook about the letter Kamatz. We have been really focusing on cleaning up after ourselves.

Learning by our family meeting time the expectations. 

Black liquid and a glass was a fun way to 'I spy' an Alef Beis and then practice writing it with a kamatz under it.

Alef Beis sensory. We will be constantly reviewing the alef beis since there are some tricky ones we could still get mixed up with. Adding cornstarch to the table was a fun invitation to try to recognize and write the different letters they see.

Batya made a Kamatz!

This week's Parsha Vayetzei tells the story of Yakov running away from Esav and finding a wife. 
On the way he rested in Har Hamoria, and dreamed about a ladder with Malachim. 
The Malachim that were protecting him from Esav were going up after they finished their job. The Malachim coming down were the ones who will protect him when he goes to Charan to find a wife. 

Being safe on a ladder and talking about Yakov's dream.

Building a ladder together!

We learned that just like Hashem was protecting Yakov, He is always protecting us!
The Shema is a special protection Tefillah. It is in our Mezuzahs and we can always say it to feel Hashem's presence. We decorated Shema cards to place next to our bed.

Acting out a very important lesson in the Parsha. Rochel who was so excited to marry Yakov, told Leah the secret sign so Lavan her father wouldn't trick them. She was so concerned of Leah's feelings that she now had to wait many years to marry Yakov. 
During the week we focused on our words being kind and not G-d forbid embarrassing a friend.

We learned another breathing technique called 'Star breathing'. 
S-smile (research has shown when we smile the muscles in our face sends a message to our brain and releases feel good hormones.)
T- take a deep breath 
A- and
R- relax!

Our friends decorated a star in a folder and cut out the mouth. When the folder folds, it mimics a breathing mouth!

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