Friday, November 5, 2021

Two Voices- Yakov & Esav

This week we focused on the famous story from the Torah portion "Toldos", about the birth of twins Yakov & Esav, who were born to our patriarch and matriarch Yitzchak & Rivka. The life lesson of listening to our Yakov voice (neshama)  takes a lifetime of work, and it is never too early to begin to help our children to develop an awareness of the different voices that pop up in our minds!

Yakov was a sweet boy who loved learning Torah and listening to Hashem. Esav spent his time hunting animals! 

We all have "Eisav" moments, where we make mistakes or want to do something that is not right. However the Torah teaches that deep down we all have a very strong Yakov voice, and can always find the strength to act like Yakov! 


We used puppets at circle time and throughout the day to represent each of the characters, Yakov & Esav. We discussed/ role played scenarios that helped the children distinguish which voices was which!

Which Voice?

We invited the children to sort out different pictures that reflected children listening to different voices. We used the yellow box to place all the "Yakov" voices, and the red box to place the "Esav" voices.


It was exciting to have our Yakov Puppet read our Mitzvah notes this week!

We learned that Esav had red hair, and was hairy! 


The story continued with one day Yakov cooking a lentil soup for his father. While he was cooking, his brother Esav came in and without using his manners, demanded his brother Yakov, "Give me some soup!" Yakov always used a kind voice, and told his brother he could have some.

We made a real lentil soup to eat one day, and enjoyed making an art project too, to help remind us of this story!


Catching "Yakov Moments"

Yakov & Chana working together with the straws and connectors.


During circle time our friends displayed so many ways they listen to theie Yakov voice. Yedidya was so kind to share his tzitzis with Yossi! Menachem, Ben & Adam danced together holding hands gently!

Menachem waited his turn patiently to hug the Torah, and Leah waited her turn to give tzedakah

Sharing sand toys in the sand box! 


                                                  Chana shares the hoops with Yossi


Happy Birthday Morah Leah!

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