Acting out the Purim story.
We have been delving into the details and lessons of the Megillah.
Some of our friends using their creativity to make a palace for themselves.
One of the big lessons we learned this week is that we bow down to Hashem unlike what Haman was trying to get everyone to do. We learned a part of the 'Aleinu' and how to bend our legs and bow to Hashem.
Creating our own graggers to use while hearing Haman's name during the Megillah reading.
Batya demonstrating what a gorel- lottery is. Haman used a lottery to decided the Jewish people's fate.
During some parts of the Megillah when it seems so dark and even on our friends faces there is a look of concern - it is then, that we must remember Hashem is right next to us. He is just hiding.
We decorated masks.
Working hard on our Megillahs.
We watched a powerful Rebbe video discussing the importance of the children being in the army of Tzivos Hashem. By saying the pasuk (verse) of 'Hareini and Ach Tzaddikim' we can physically make a difference to the state of the world. We created beautiful signs with these pesukim (verses) on it.
We took this opportunity to invite each child to draw what they are committing to in the Mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel.
Giving Tzedakah while singing 'Hereini' with such beautiful concentration.
Having some Adar fun!
Reviewing our Hebrew vowels by matching the top and bottom of toy eggs.
Hearing a word and writing it down.
Getting a workout in ;)
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