Thursday, March 3, 2022

Mordechai & Esther inside me!

  This week we began our unit on Purim. We aim for the children to take real-life lessons from the story,, so we focused on the characters Mordechai and Esther. We want the children to learn from them and see how they can be like them. 

Our centers were concentrated on different Mitzvos and really getting the picture of what their home might have looked like. We all have a Mordechai and Esther inside us!  Here is a song we have been learning this week that goes with the theme of being like them. 

Tune of  "yanky doodle"

"Take a bite of Hamantaschen
Then give some Tzedaka,
Listen to the Megilah
And shake, shake, shake, your gragger.
Mordechai is inside me
Esther's in me too, 
I am strong and I am proud,
So proud to be a jew!"

The mitzva of lighting Shabbos candles
    Shabbos candle painting!

The Mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel 
We decorated  heart cards with a picture of friends playing with each other and being kind.

 Friendship Bracelets!
We had an opportunity to practice this Mitzvah by welcoming a new friend to our class! Welcome Mila Belle Gold to our Gan Family.

 Aleph Beis tracing
 Mila enjoying painting on the parchment paper :)


Mendy in Mordechai and Esther's "home" davening!

We invited all the kids into Mordechai and Esther's home and brought them to life sharing Mitzvos within their home and with each other. We went around with photos throughout the year and the children recognizing the Mitzvos they were doing

Yedidya and Shua observing their Mitzvos!

We brought our treasure box out filled with all of our Mitzvah notes from home and in school. Each friend got a turn to hold up the Mordechai when we called their name for the Mitzvah!

We played a "What's in the box mitzvah game!" While closing our eyes, we each had a turn using our sense of touch to figure out which Mitzvah they feel

Some exciting action in our backyard throughout the week!

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