Thursday, April 7, 2022

The Seder coming to life

This week we focused on the steps of the Seder.
We used a light table to trace the items for our seder plate. Esther working hard on finishing up her plate.

Making charoses and learning why we eat it on Pesach. 

Karpas. Esther told us its her favorite part of the seder.

When we cry our tears taste salty. We feed each other different food items and our friends had to guess if it was salty, sweet and what food it was.

Most of our friends can't wait to taste the Matzah. 
We learned a lot about the process of making matzah and why there are three Matzahs on the table.

Each day we have been working really hard on our Haggadah's. Sholom drawing him and his friends walking through the sea.

Shmuel creating the 10 maccos puppets.

Getting excited at the end of our Hagaddah. Chanie working on a Kotel scene for Nirtzah.

Taking our stories outside in the sandbox. 

Making our Matzah bags and it was so exciting to see our friends know how to write Matzah on their own and what vowels belong under what letters.

When we learned about the song 'Dayeinu' we made a list of the things in our own life we are grateful for. 
Some said their siblings, six flags, the Rebbe and friends etc.

This week we learned about the second Shva vowel, the Shva Nah. When there is a Shva in the beginning of the word it makes a stronger vowel sound. We had fun making frosting shvas to our hebrew words.

Esther, turning the chirik into a Shva. 

Practicing at the play dough table making different vowels.

Shmuel, figured out how to start the word Pesach.

We want to wish a big Mazel Tov to Yanky and Sholom on their 6th birthdays!


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