Friday, April 8, 2022

Pesach in Preschool

With this being our last full week until Pesach break, we learned a lot more in detail about Pesach! We are working on our Haggadah every day so its all ready for the Seder! 

We continued focusing on the big idea of having a "Moshe" inside of us and listening to it. We also learned how every day we have the opportunity to leave Mitzrayim in our own lives! When we do a great mitzvah or do something we never thought we can; we split our own "Yam Suf!"

Our Bulletin board reflecting all of our friends walking through the split see! So we can visualize "leaving Mitzrayim (Egypt)" every day!

Sensory water/paint pouch and looking inside an ocean lamp to get an idea of what it might have been like while walking through the split sea.

Painting our own oceans!

Arts and crafts for our Haggadah's!

We separated foods that were Chametz and Kosher for Pesach
 to show us what we can and can't eat on Pesach. 

We did a science experiment to show us what yeast does to bread and that's what makes it rise. We used a balloon to cover 2 water bottles. One bottle had yeast in it and one did not. The one with yeast in it became inflated after a little while! This is the difference between Matzah and Challah and why it becomes Chametz.

We had a fun way to learn one of the items from the Seder plate We suspended  balloons in the air that we invited the children to paint white! This was to represent the egg on the seder plate!

Cutting apples for Charoset! 

We collected some flowers outside to remind us that Pesach comes out in the spring when flowers are blooming!

We had some fun puppet shows in class by friends and baby Ariella :)

Uncle Baruch brought in his Moshe costume so we can all pretend to be Moshe for a little bit!

Happy Birthday Yedidya!

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