Thursday, September 22, 2022

Rosh Hashanah fun

This week we have been reviewing all the beautiful lessons from Rosh Hashanah 
Our friends have been loving to practice dipping the apple in the honey and singing our Rosh Hashanah song. 
Nechama, working hard on her apple plate.

Doing a lot of SWEET mitzvahs and catching those moments were definitely the highlight of Rosh Hashanah unit and we will be carrying it on for the rest of the year!
Mendy and Yossi so excited to do the Mitzvah of tzitzis they broke out in dance!

Friends communicating and working together as they wrap up our honey cupcakes.

Axel enjoying the clean up process just as much as painting! 

Talking about a lot of Mitzvahs, we put a pomegranate on a morning center one day and invited our friends to paint. Some of our friends said "yummy a apple".
Instead of answering we gathered our class and opened an apple and a pomegranate for them to discover the difference on their own.

Delicious pomegranate seeds was a hit and a fun fine motor skill to try to get the seeds from the little hiding pouches.

Eli said he likes apples better and decided to show us and talk about it by our red play dough table.

Open ended Rosh Hashanah stamp art. 

We spoke a little more about the Shofar and our friends trying to draw one and Leah discovered she can erase it with her socks.

Learning about the different sounds of a Shofar. We placed different size tape representing the Tekiah- the long sound. Shevarim- the medium sound and Teruah- the many short sounds.
Our friends had fun driving and building on them.

Using our math skills while learning about the round Challah we eat on Rosh Hashanah. 
Yossi wanted to count how many chocolate chips he can get on his challah. 
We also sang many different math themed finger plays, using pretend money and round Challahs.

Axel wanted to show us a round Challah on the easel .

Getting really excited to take home our Rosh Hashanah projects!

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