Thursday, September 15, 2022

Symbolic foods on Rosh Hashana

 On Rosh Hashana we have lots of yummy meals! It was very exciting for us to zoom into specific foods and learn the reason why we specifically eat it on this Yom Tov! We started off with the pomegranate fruit. These fruits have lots of seeds! The many seeds are symbolic of the many Mitzvos we strive to do in the new year! We had a fun math lesson counting all the seeds, and came up with 345! We all got to eat some seeds after our hard work of counting ;) 

Yakov counting the seeds

Our next food: Honey!
Honey is a fundamental food on this Holiday (Yom Tov) Our whole outlook of Hashem giving us a sweet new year comes from honey! 
We used bubble wrap to create the illusion of a real honeycomb 
We enjoyed seeing a real life honey comb! Thank you Morah Aroura for brining that in.
We tasted a bit of Rosh Hashana with apples dipped in honey :)

The head of the fish
This symbolizes how we all want to be leaders and a "head" in things. We want to lead with strength and good choices. This week we focused on friends making good and safe choices! We are all leaders!

Round Challah
It is a custom to eat round Challah on Rosh Hashana. We learn from its roundness that we are starting a new fresh year! A full year is a circle and we always have a new fresh start. We felt the smoothness and this connects to us wanting a good smooth year.

Making special "Shana Tova" (new year wishes) cards to send out!

Introducing the letter "Beis" 
We learned through using building blocks that a Beis is like a house but not yet ready to live in. We are missing a wall and a few other things to live in it.  This was compared to Hashem's home where we are constantly working and bringing light into it. He gave us the job to finish building the home, we do that by doing lots of Mitzvos!  Hashems home is in His heart where He ALWAYS thinks about us.

 Pretzel Breathing!

We have 2 lovely puppets named Mimi and Simi in our class that we use a lot. 
It inspired the children to make their very own puppets one day!

We had a special Mitzva to be apart of with Rabbi Lang putting back up our Mezuzos after they were checked which is a custom to do in the month of Elul!  

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