Holiday of Sukkos is coming and boy did we get ready!
Our friends, already knew about the Sukkah and they helped us act our WHY we sit in the Sukkah!
When the Jewish people were traveling in the desert Hashem used a cloud to protect them from:
1)Kfir, acting out the hot sand and the cloud being under them was super helpful.
2) Yakov, showed us how the cloud would help clean their clothes!
3) Yossi who pretended to be the poisonous snake and Leah didn't mind since the cloud protected them from any harmful animals.
4) Chana was grateful she had like a cloud hat on top of her when the sun got hot.
Well how will remember this if we can't bring down the clouds?! That is where the walls surrounding us and the schach on top come in! Chaya Leah, showed us how the Sukkah is like a big protective HUG from Hashem!
Building our own Sukkah at Gan! We learned that ANYTHING we do in the Sukkah gets transformed into a Mitzvah!
Jack, created a Sukkah with paint!
During Kindergarten Kria time we took it to the next level and learned how in the Hebrew name of Sukkah it hints how many walls makes a Sukkah Kosher.
Samach- 4 walls
Chof- 3 walls
Hey- 2 1/2 walls
Next, we learned about the Lulav and Esrog that we will shake on Sukkos. Mendy, showed us all the directions just like Hashem is everywhere!
Making a Lulav set during a hunt and learning what we need to make a Lulav set.
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