Thursday, September 28, 2023

A big hug from Hashem!

What is a Sukkah? And what does it remind us of?

To help the children understand the history of this Holiday, and why we build a "hut" at this time of year, we took the children back in time using sand and puppets to tell the story of the Jewish People traveling in the desert.

We invited some friends to step onto the sand to feel the bumpy, earth that the Jewish people must have felt while they traveled.

Did the Jewish people have  cars?  Stores to shop at ? Houses to protect them? Washing machines to clean their clothing in the desert?


Using fake clouds, we demonstrated what protected the Jewish people while they traveled in the desert many years ago.

Hashem protected them with a big cloud.  

When wild animals came... they weren't scared, because Hashem's cloud protected them..

When they were hungry, they didn't need a store to shop for food, because Hashem sent miracle food called "Mahn"

When their clothing got dirty, they didn't need washing machines because Hashems cloud cleaned it!

When the sun was shining so strong, they didn't need shade from their houses because Hashems cloud protected them!

A SUKKAH reminds us of Hashems Cloud that protected the Jewish people while they were in the desert. 

The cloud was like a bIg HUG from Hashem, telling the Jewish people that they are safe, and they don't need to worry.

When we build a Sukkah, it reminds us that Hashem is always taking care of us and it's like getting a big hug from Hashem.

Working hard on our very own Sukkah. 

Getting Schach that covers the top of the Sukkah from our banana tree!

Enjoying our hard work and singing songs in the Sukkah.

Having fun making miniature sukkahs.

Axel, working hard on his welcome sign.

Yossi, making his sukkah out of play dough and sticks.

We learned a song to the tune of "I have a little dreidel"
I Built Myself a Sukkah

I built myself a sukkah
With four walls and a door
It doesn't have a ceiling
It doesn't have a floor
The s'chach will be the ceiling
The earth will be the floor
We'll hang some decorations
I'm ready now for sure
Oh Sukkah, sukkah , sukkah
I love to sit in you
love to shake the Lulav, and the Etrog too!
Oh Sukkah, sukkah, sukkah.
I love to sit in you
I love to shake the Lulav, and the Etrog too!

At the end of Sukkos we have the holiday of Simchas Torah! We love the Torah and created our own flags to dance with at Shul.

Good Shabbos!

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