Thursday, October 12, 2023

Our Land and the beginning of the Torah!

Welcoming back our friends from a long Yom Tov break! 
Our dramatic play area turned into a place where our friends shared what they did and documented on paper.

The Jewish people now start the Torah from the beginning with the Parsha of Breishis!
Hashem, created our beautiful world starting with the 7 days of creation. 
We learn Hashem is constantly creating the world but it all started with 7 days!

Day 1: There was light and dark.
Jack experimenting with light and shadows and having his friends guess the object he was holding.

We took this opportunity to learn the first of the morning 
Brachas during davening. Thank you Hashem that gives us the understanding of knowing the deference between light and dark. Aside for the physical light and dark it also has a deeper meaning,  we know the difference between good and not good. Our friends helped us with these examples.

Day 2: There was the sky and the sea. Shai and Leah, had fun making a rain scene dripping water from the clouds and finding the hidden Hebrew letters in the background for extra review.

Mendy, making a sky scene for his creation project.

Day 3: There were flowers grass and trees! Yakov, working hard on his creation art by gluing different colorful flowers.

Kfir, creating a leaf necklace. 

Day 4:Mimi , using binoculars finding the sun and moon and stars!

Day 5: Yossi, finding fish and bird stickers that Hashem created

Day 6: Shai, creating a person! Hashem created animals and Adam and Chava on the sixth day.

Day 7:Good Shabbos! Our day of rest, a gift from Hashem!

Our Land

With the recent events in Eretz Yisroel, this week in a safe and positive way our friends learned how special the holy land is to all of the Jewish people! We are all one family and every extra mitzvah we do helps keep our land safe. 
First, we found Eretz Yisroel on the globe. Yedidya, shared with us when he went there with his family!

This whole week we gave extra Tzedaka by our davening circle. 
Mendy, showing us what a real Jewish soldier looks like showing us his Tzisis uniform and saying the bracha with such concentration.

Making cards to send to the soldiers to put a smile on their faces.
Chaya Leah, wanted to draw a lot of happy faces. 

Yossi, drew himself standing by the Kotel.

Thank you Rabbi Lang for coming in and doing a rally to spiritually help Eretz Yisroel! The prayers and Torah verses from the children are the most precious of all to Hashem!

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