Thursday, October 12, 2023

A Lesson In A Backpack!

This month has been packed with so many beautiful Holidays and big ideas. 
This week we learned that all those lessons are not just for the Holidays but rather to take with us all year long! 
We learns this from the verse 'Yakov Halach L'darko' - yakov went on his way. This means returning to our regular routines but with an uplifted spirit and lessons from each Holiday.

We used a backpack to represent everything we are packing away. Our friends got to put in different items they have been seeing throughout the month like the Shofar, Lulav etc.

Our friends helped pack away all the Holiday decorations around the classroom which help them understand in a hands on way.

Eli, using his cutting skills to take down the shofar hanging from our ceiling. 

Mordy, finding his bee face on the bulletin board to pack away!

Creating our own backpacks to take with us and remember all the beautiful holiday lessons.

This was a great time to review and discuss what they remember.

Ariella, the ABC pointer.

Playing outside 

Axel, preparing for the next Parsha of Noach creating rain drops for our bulletin board.


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