Thursday, January 18, 2024

I'm a growing seed!

Tu B'Shvat is around the corner and our friends have been learning all about the birthday of  trees. 
It says in the Torah "Ki Hadam Etz Hasada"- A person is like a tree. 
We showed a tiny seed that a tree looks like when it's being planted in the beginning of its life. Levi, showed us how we start start off like a tiny baby. Axel, helped us learn how to care for a seed so it gets big and strong.

Looking at a picture of them as a baby was such a eye opening experience how big they have gotten!
It was fun to guess who was who!

Documenting on the window helped our friends continue the discussions from our circle time.

Another big idea we learned this week is the different parts of the tree and what it represents as a Jew. 
We placed little pretend roots on Avrahams brand new shoes ;)
Roots help the tree be sturdy and strong. 
Our roots are our belief in Hashem that no matter what Hashem is in charge!
Our Trunk which is also big and strong is like the Torah that keeps us connected as Jews.

Going outside to feel the big tree and try to push it to see what would happen.

The delicious fruit are our Mitzvahs we do!
Zalman held up his fruit Mitzvah note high and proud!

We do so many sweet Mitzvahs in our class!

Open ended tree sensory play.

Painting branches gave the children a different art experience. 

For our beautiful Tu B'shvat craft our friends created a scend of all different items that come from a tree. They worked on their piece over a couple days and kept adding to it.

Leaf necklaces using a hole puncher to weave the leaves on a long string.

Practicing our cutting skills.

Cozy reading time together.

Making Challah dough together is a such a wholesome and special bonding time together. 


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