Parsha Time!
In parshas Bo, we continue the story of the Jewish people in Mitzrayim- Egypt. During the plague of darkness Hashem made the Egyptians not be able to move while the Jews were able to find all the gold and jewelry that they stole from them. We had a fun hunt around the classroom finding all the treasures.
Making our own jewelry using very small beads for our fine motor practice.
During the last plague the angel of death passed over - Pesach over the Jewish peoples homes.
Yossi, jumping from house to house and Leah created a red door post that they put to show the angel a Jew lives there.
We also learned the very first Mitzvah in the Torah which is Rosh Chodesh- the birth of the moon. We learned all about the moon cycle.
Tu B'Shvat
Yedidya wrote on our hebrew calendar when Tu B'shvat is coming which is hinted in the word TU- 15th of the month of Shvat.
Our friends created a beautiful Tu B'shvat scene for our classroom with them hiding in it!
A person is like a Tree.
Roots- are our Emunah- our faith in Hashem
Trunk- the Torah
Fruits- our Mitzvahs.
Prk Kria
Learning the Hebrew letter final chof. Finding all of them in the prayer of Shema.
Practicing making a final chof using magnet tiles and also trying to write it.
Kindergarten Kria
We learned the next vowel of Segol which makes an Eeh sound.
After learning how to read 'Baah' which sounded like a sheep, a real sheep came to visit us and say the sound herself!
Reading a letter with a segol and than saying hello to the sheep! It was so fun listening to the Sheep saying the sound they learned which we hope will help them remember this lesson for a long time!
English Academics
Using our listening skills to follow directions for a fun movement song!
Writing three and four letter words!
Aftercare teambuilding trying to build a tower without glue or tape just folding.
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