This week's Parshas Vaera came to life in our classroom this week.
The Jewish people in Mitzrayim (Egypt) were under King Paroh who was treating them quite badly. It was now time for Moshe to become their leader and help them out.
Moshe, warned King Paroh but with his stubbornness he had to learn his lesson by receiving the 10 plagues.
The first plague was Dam- blood. Moshe's brother Aharon was chosen to hit the Nile river to turn it into blood since Moshe had Hakaras Hatov- gratefulness to the water where he was saved as a baby. We learned if Moshe can be grateful to water how much more so we should be thankful to each other and those who help us.
Our friends pouring blood water on top of the Egyptian cups. After experiencing the first plague of course King Paroh wanted it to stop adn said the Jewish people can be freed.
He did not keep his word.
Jack, showing us the next plague of Tzfardeya- frogs.
Mitzrayim were covered with frogs!
Having fun together and making our 10 plagues project.
This week, we also learned a new morning blessing in davening.
Zokef Kefufim - we can stand up straight taught us animals head and body are on the same level while our heads are on top. This teaches us how we have a mind and choose to do whats right.
Crawling like an animal and feeling the difference.
We did a lot of Judiaca Kria review this week.
Using straws and blowing pom poms into one of the cups that tell us which sound to practice and for the Prk'ers which letter!
Feeding letter cookies and reading what it says.
Deciding what cookie to read.
During Prk Kria our friends learned the letter Chof. Shai, created his out of small pieces pushed into Styrofoam.
During English academics circle time- we played a count and match number game.
We played a movement game with number recognition during academics circle time
Math center; working on adding & subtracting.
Good Shabbos !
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