Friday, March 1, 2024

Fixing our mistakes and a lot of learning

This week we learned about Parsha Ki Sisa.
The Jewish people were in the desert and Hashem told Moshe to tell the Jewish people to each give a 1/2 shekel to the Mishkan. This was in order to count the Jewish people. Of course Hashem knows exactly how many we are but we are so precious to Him he wanted to count us and treasure each and everyone. 

Talking about the importance of Tzedaka and decorating our own mini box.

In this weeks Parsha it also talks about Teshuva. When Moshe went on Har sinai to receive the Torah from Hashem, the Jewish people miscalculated the 40 days and worried he wasn't coming back. This lead to a very tragic event when they made the Egel Hazahov (golden calf) that they started worshiping. When Moshe did come down and saw what took place he broke the Luchos (tablets) . What happens when we make a mistake? How do we fix it?

Shai, documenting under his broken Luchos picture how he would fix a mistake.

We will be starting next week our Purim unit! Our friends made Megillah scenes in their doll house :)

Chaya Leah and Nechama, made a bag out of paper and said it would be great for Shaluch Manos (food gifts) for Purim!

Prk Kria
Learning the letter Samach! Mimi and Mendy, made one out of a pipe cleaner.

Leah worked hard on her Sukkah for Samach for her Alef Beis book.

Kindergarten Kria
Testing each other with the different Shva sounds.

English Academics 
Finding and sound out three letter words in a word search.

Introducing new brain games.

A 'twist' on the twister game!

We want to wish a Happy 5th Birthday to Yossi Freidman!


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