Friday, March 8, 2024

Who's YOUR hero?

This week we started learning about Purim! 
At Gan, we love focusing on the role models in the story and really get to know them before learning the history and miracle that took place. By doing this not only will they really understand the events that took place but also most importantly create a lasting lesson for their life.

Getting to know Mordechai and Esther the Jewish heroes of the Purim story. 
Making masks and talking about what type of people they were.

While talking about Jewish heroes our friends drew who their heroes were!
Yossi, drew his Tatty and Jack drew Yakov Avinu from the Torah.

Shai and Leah, drew their mommies. 

Mordechai and Esther lived so long ago but was so special to watch our friends realize they did the same Mitzvahs as them! Through a Velcro interactive home they saw that their home probably looked similar as well.
Placing Jewish books, Challah, Tzedaka box etc 

Towards the end of the week, we introduced the Purim story by showing the contrast of Mordechai and Esther and the King of Persia, King Achashverosh. 
He loved to boast about his palace and treasures.
We decorated crowns.

Working on magnet tiles palaces and tried to create a replica of the image drawn. Shai, added to his and created a 3d image!

Prk Kria
We learned the Letter Ayin! Kfir, practiced writing it on the board and Mimi made hers using play dough.

Kindergarten Kria

Next week we will be introducing the next vowel! We played many different games for review. 
Yedidya, picking how many points he wants and trying to read the word that had many different vowels in it!

English Academics
Playing a game about compound words.

For Math we counted and used our number sense skills with unfix cubes!

Fine motor skills tracing sentences.

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