Sunday, April 17, 2016

Mini Matzah factory and the splitting of the sea!


Pesach story continues in a hands on way..

After a week of acting as slaves building for King Paroh and getting a real feel of life in Mitzrayim it was time to learn about all the miracles Hashem did for us!

Elizabeth and Devorah leah getting quite used to the life in Egypt .

 King Paroh needed to learn some lessons, it was time for Hashem to send the 10 plagues/ Makos!
 (this was another way of phrasing the punishments we learned that everything we do has consequences)

King Paroh with frogs all over him and the Egyptians.


 After going through only some of the Makos with the children it was now time to be reassured from Hashem and our leader Moshe.  Kinh Paroh kept changing his mind and not letting us go it was quite frustrting! 
This was a great opportunity to discuss and put in action about keeping our word!

Leaving Mitzrayim!

 We all followed Moshe and he told us to quickly make something to eat for the trip out of Mitzrayim.

 Matzah with only two ingredients was the fastest way to make food. Each child got a piece of dough and felt the rush while having King Paroh in the background!

Splitting of the sea!

 Walking through the sea following Moshe!
The children had fun helping make the ocean scene with adorable fish made out of their hands.


 Hashem performs more miracles in the sea!

1) Fruit trees were growing along side the water for the people to snack on while they traveled through the water!- we cut up real apples and each had a taste of some yummy fruit that the Jewish people might have eaten too!
2) Delicious water for the thirsty people escaping Mitzrayim. Each child got a cup of water but we had to remind them - King Paroh is coming to change his mind lets get going!!

After we left the sea, King Paroh did not get to experience the miracle we did as the Sea closed in on all the Egyptians.

Thank you Hashem!

Just like the Jewish People we took our tamberines and danced thanking Hashem for letting us free to do what Hashem wants!

Mini Matzah factory

Our dramatic play area turned into a Matzah factory! The children helped make an oven and got right to work creating and cooking their own Matzah.


 Rolling it flat!

 Poking holes to make sure it doesn't rise.

 We learned that Matzah has to be made within 18 minutes!
Aron helped us by marking our timer.

 Levi bringing the ready Matzah to Seder table.

 Working hard on our Haggadahs.


 Enjoying making the last batch of Challah dough before Pesach!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Which kind of leader will YOU be?

This past week the Pesach story has come to life! The children have experienced in a hands on way what it was like for the Jewish people to work for King Paroh.
They have felt the pain, the empathy that Moshe displayed and HOW to be a good leader!

Egypt- Mitzrayim Center

The children created pyramids as our backdrop and a hot sun beating down to help create the experience of what being slaves in Egypt felt like! We placed big boxes and slave costume to create the setting for them to reenact the story.

After teaching the history of the Jews back in Egypt it was now time to take a lesson we can all learn and can help us throughout our life.

1) King Paroh- un caring, selfish, bully qualities.
2) Jewish leader Moshe- Caring, respect and love for others.

This whole week during our play time and through out the day we focused on trying to be like our leader Moshe! Each one of us is a leader, we can help each other and care for one another. It was so beautiful to watch all the 'Moshe Moments'!

Building Pyramids together!

Levi L. role played King Paroh not caring about Menucha who was feeling tired after all her hard work.
Shua who was playing Moshe offered Menucha a cup of water to cool her off!

 We applied our knowledge to the Seder by tasting salt water which tastes just like our tears and the tears of those hard working Jewish slaves!

 So sweet to see our friends using the Moshe puppet to show acts of kindness to one another.

Catching a 'Moshe moment' ;)

Dovi and Levi offering water to their friends on a hot sunny day!

Slave experiment

We learned what having a CHOICE means.

Slaves dont have a choice!  As the week went by the children got a sense of how unfair it must have felt to be bossed around by King Paroh.

One day before snack time we told the children that snack will only be one craisin today and they may not get their lunch box. For a short bit ;)  we told them they have no choice and must listen. As you can see on Max's face they were quite surprised and taken back. "I want my Thomas treat".
 It was a short experiment for them to FEEL for the Jewish people who lived that way!


Clay pyramids

A triangle popsicle stick outline helped the children create their own pyramids. Some children filled in the triangle others created a 3d pyramid!

 Max and Levi building inside a big taped triangle pyramid on the floor!

Devorah Leah brought a doll from home named 'Moshe'. Her friends learned from her the story about baby Moshe in the basket!

Getting ready for the Pesach Seder by learning about each step!
(stay tuned for special Hagaddahs that they have been making!)

Exercising !

 A Siyum     

(a celebration for an accomplishment)

Torah Tots have learned the first ten letters of the Hebrew Alphabet! Some homemade popcorn was a fun way to celebrate together!