Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Mitzvah's with our HANDS!

What a great first week at Camp Gan Camarillo!
Our theme this year is "Mitzvah's I can do"
Each week we will be focusing on a different body part that they can do Mitzvah's with.
This week is "Mitzvah's I can do with my hands!"
We worked hard on our hand book. Each day creating another page on what Mitzvah we can do with our hands.

During davening circle we made sure to not only sing our Mezuzah song but to kiss it with our hand!

Hugging our Torahs!

Giving Tzedakah is another Mitvah we can do with our hands. We played toss the ball coin in the big Tzedakah box.

Using our Gross motor skills we played a Tzedakah hopscotch.

Taking care of animals is also a Mitzvah. We had so much fun at a Petting Zoo that came to visit us this week. Our friends being so gentle and soft. 

 Feeding animals before ourselves is a big Mitzvah. 

Our neighbor pottery artist shared some clay scraps with us and we got to design some fun miniatures and even get to paint it.

Our older friends get time in our Prk classroom to daven and practice their Alef Beis.

Dancing time!

Water play time!


Friday, June 2, 2023

Making the last 8 days great!

As the year is coming to a close we are counting down the last 8 days through Mr. Men Books. Morah Chana introduced them to Pre-k in the beginning of the year, and it has been a hit since.  Each character gave an exciting focus throughout the day. Starting of with Mr. Silly, every action we did had a bit of silliness. From sitting differently at circle time to wearing silly hats we had a blast. Coming into school with a backwards shirt on or different colored socks, matching clothes, and upside-down hops. We even swapped the Morah into the student :) Opposite games were fun where Morah would do something and they would move their body in the opposite direction.  Our Gan family feels like a home where we can express ourselves in all ways! Together our silliness, creativity, teamwork, and chatter bring about our unique friendship with each other. 

Sitting Silly by circle time!

Coloring upside down Aleph Beis letters.

Flipping for Topsy Turvey day!

Walking backwards into the classroom.

Tracing  our names upside down!

Mr. Men also ate cornflakes for breakfast. We brought that into our classroom and had Cornflakes for snack! That was silly :)

Morah Chana reading Mr. Men books.

On Twin day Morah Chana showed us that she is a real twin herself!

Shua twinning with his Tatty <3

 Mendy and Yakov matching.

Making end of year memories!

We can't believe the end of the year is here. 
What an amazing year filled with fun memories with our Gan family.
Our friends have been preparing for our end of year celebration.
Mordy and Yossi, working hard on their Torah costume.

Enjoying the moments of what makes our friends happy.

Quite busy moments.

Feeling big!

Building a two way tunnel takes team work.

Watching our friends grow in taking ownership and responsibilities.

We are physically getting bigger and our gross motor skills have tremendously grown.

Our very last Shabbos party of the year. 
Our Shabbos Ima's connecting to all the Jewish mothers in the world.

We have loved using real vegetables in our chicken soup song.


It's delicious!

Best part is getting to munch on the veggies!

The last few days of Gan we have been bringing Mr. Men books to life each day!
Twins day , we had a fun twin relay races tied to our twin partners.