The days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kipur are called "Aseres Yamei Teshuva" (Ten days of repentance). On these days we yearn to fix our mistakes and come closer to Hashem.
We learnt that when we make a mistake our Neshama, our soul, feels separated from Hashem like the pink string that is cut into half.
When we do Teshuva (return to our true self) and fix our mistake we get closer to Hashem, even more closer than before we made the mistake. Similar to when the 2 strings are tied back together with a knot- the strings are stronger and closer from the knot.
Measuring mistakes against mitzvos.
Mendel wanted to add 10 to the mitzvah side.
Reading the story of Yonah, we spoke about how we can't run away from our responsibilities, not even to the moon. Dovi pointed out that that is even closer to Hashem. ;)
On Yom Kippur we don't wear leather shoes.
Here we are tracing shoes to see how big they are.
Mina matches Yom Kippur words and pictures.
Emma counts and colors the holiday objects.
Writing Yom kippur words with playdough
Davening in our Yom Kippur Shul.
Happy Birthday Morah Davina!!
Eating a new fruit so we can make a special Bracha (blessing)!