This week Mitzvah Mentchies got a chance to look back and see how much we have accomplished this year. Each child took a turn to look at the pictures of themselves from the whole year and reminisce about everything we learned and how much they've grown!
We looked at the book we made the first week of school and
we took the time to draw a self-portrait now.
We tracked the academic skills we gained, as well as the emotional skills.
Chana sorts Aleph- Beis, Shmuel works on his fine motor skills.
Chana Rochel shares her water with Sholom.
We have also been having fun with a countdown to the beginning of summer.
Having a chance to let our creative juices flow on Art Day.
Enjoying a highly anticipated Water Day!

And learning how to make airplanes on Paper Airplane Day!
Preparing for Gimel Tammuz, we spoke about what the Rebbe wants from us,
and what Moshiach will be like.
Mendel Paller shared with us that when Moshiach comes
we won't have a Yetzer Hara, Esther shared that we will see Hashem!
Pretending to fly on clouds to Eretz Yisroel together!
Outside Fun!