Friday, May 31, 2024

I am big and Shavous preparation!

These last couple weeks of school we have been showcasing how big our friends have gotten! From helping around the classroom and noticing how much more independent we have become.
Chana, using a hammer to help us with our circle time chart.

We have also been learning about the Holiday of Shavous!
Our friends helped us put on a show of all the mountains that wanted Hashem to place the Torah on them.

Hashem didn't choose the snowiest or the biggest, Hashem choose Sinai who represented being a proud mountain but not the haughtiest.

Hashem, created beautiful flowers growing on Har Sinai before the giving of the Torah.
Playing with flowers and water at our sensory table.

Axel, always reminds us that we need to water our very own flowers in our garden!

Thank you Hashem for the Torah!

Getting ready for our end of year craft. Zalman, choosing carefully his gems he wanted.

Heading outdoors and getting our hands dirty and creating memories.

Ido, creating "Gymboree".

Mountains and butterflies!

This week we learned about the Holiday of Shavous!
From all of the mountains Hashem chose Sinai since he wasn't the biggest but was still so proud!
There are so many practical lessons we took from the history of how we received the Torah.

Playing a fun pin the Luchos on the mountain game.

Creating mountain inspired art! Using different kinds of mountain pictures as inspiration our friends created their art!

Each precious Jewish person who was by Har Sinai received two spiritual crowns. One names Naasa and the other Nishma. "We will do and we will listen". The very first thing is trust in Hashem He knows what is good for us and we will do! Nechama, decorating her crown.

A volcano experiment in our sandbox!

We have also been working on our end of year memory book! It's been so incredible watching the growth of how our friends are writing and drawing their own feelings and opinions.

Butterflies have been the theme during academics these past couple weeks.
We watched them turn into chrysalis and than into beautiful butterflies. 

It was finally time to let them go!

Saying hi to them and feeding them before their flight.

Sometimes, when it gets to the end of the year certain habits can fall aside. Yakov and Mendy showing us how we can still keep all our toys organized and neat!

We had an end of year celebration from our fire and logs chart of all the good deeds we have done!

Friday, May 24, 2024

A fiery week and a second chance!

"Lag Ba'omer has been a hot topic in our class this week, especially since we talked a lot about fires! Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, a student of Rabbi Akiva, was a holy Rabbi and the author of the Zohar. His Torah brought tremendous light into this world, and we learned about his amazing life story. It is customary to create bonfires on Lag Ba'omer. Chaya Leah created a bonfire, and all her friends gathered around it!"

Creating a bon fire using recycled objects and paint.

We had a lot of fun sensory experiences this week and fire colors.

These past two weeks, as we prepared for Lag Ba'omer, we really focused on loving and respecting each other. Each time a child accomplished this, they got to put their name on a log in our classroom 'bonfire' . It was so sweet to hear, one morning, all our friends cheering for Mendy when he received a log!

This week, there was a special date in the calendar called Pesach Sheni (A second Pesach) ! This holiday was originally created for those who were unable to participate in the Passover offering, Hashem added this Mitzvah all because a group of Jewish people wanted a second chance!

This is such a powerful lesson!

Each child was invited to come up and draw what it means to them to have a second chance.

Mendy “When I want to play with pirates I can use him for good instead of bad.” Nechama “Sometimes I don’t want to play with my sister, but I can always have a second chance and be nice.”

We also learned the lesson to never give up!
Our friends were invited to draw what they would never give up on.

Prk Kria
We learned the letter Sin and where the dot goes!

Kindergarten Kria
We learned the last vowel of Shuruk!! Since it has the same sound as Koobotz it was fun to differentiate while reading.

Coding fun!

English Academics

-Learning our vowels! Playing a short “a” vowel game!

Leah & Nechama L. working hard on their letter recognition and phonics.

Spending quality time together outside.


It's all about LOVE!

This week we learned about Rabbi Akiva and Lag Baomer !
He taught us the most important mitzvah of the entire Torah is to love each other!
We do a lot of that at Gan!

Creating a fun friends project! Levi, was excited to show which friends he created.

A complex subject at this age is thinking about what someone else would want. During this stage in their life our friends are figuring out their own places and wants and dislikes. So when we asked each friend to find out what sticker their friend would want and give them that one it was interesting to watch the process play out.

We love catching sweet moments between our friends!
Eli, helping out a friend fill their water bottle with water.

Ayal and Ido, communicating what they want to make.

Noa and Yosef discover little bugs together.

A fun loving sensory table using heart cut outs and play dough. 

We added baking soda and vinegar to watch a science experiment happen

Measuring ourselves! Boy do we grow fast!

Taking care of our beautiful garden. One of Axel's favorite things to do is water the garden!

We want to wish a big Happy 4th Birthday to Axel!