Thursday, June 27, 2024

Mitzvos with our EYES!

Mitzvos with our EYES!

What a fun first week at camp!

This summer we are exploring mitzvos we do with all the different parts of our body that hashem gave us. This week we spoke about our eyes.  

Its been fun to discuss which body parts we used to do the mitzvahs in our mitzvah notes and then hanging them on our bulletin board!

Looking at our eyes in the mirror and drawing them, we have friends
with so many different colored eyes!

Making Shema cards, we cover our eyes for that mitzvah!

Magnifying glasses were a fun way to spot the alef beis at centers!

What a fun puppet show!!

 Making yummy Alef Beis cookies!

Fun in the sun!

So many Mitzvahs we can do with our EYES!

Welcome to Gan Camarillo Camp!
 Our theme this year is Mitzvahs we can do with our body! This week we focused on our EYES.

Our friends showing us, we can use our eyes to look at the Shabbos candles, Havdalah candle, Menorah!

Shai, making a Havdalah candle made out of sour sticks, yum!

Mendy, did a science experiment drawing a paper towel and watching the colors float to the top in water.

Using our eyes to play Alef Eye Spy! What a fun way to review all the letters we know.

Chana, made a letter while blindfolded to see if her friends can figure which letter it was! It was fun and challenging.

There is another special Mitzvahs we can do when our eyes see a beautiful rainbow in the sky!
Yedidya, made a beautiful rainbow using different colorful materials.

Mimi, had fun categorizing colorful rainbow cherrios.

We documented on our bulletin board different Mitzvahs our friends came up with on their own!
Nechama, saw a friend listening to a Morah right away. Mendy wanted to write that Yedidya his friend, said he loves him. 

We have been practicing our Kria reading in a fun way! Each day our friends get to play games and use the skills we learned during the school year. Chana, reading her Hebrew word ice cream cone.

During our fun academics time we learned how important water is and what happens when our teeth don't get the proper care. Yakov, pouring coke on an egg and we will see the difference between the egg in the water verses the coke. 

A fun Kiddie Karoo Puppet Show came to visit us this week!