Thursday, August 29, 2024

Welcome to Gan!

What a great first week of Gan! We loved seeing our friends during our open house and starting our classroom photo scrapbook with memories from the summer!

Signing in our names when we first come into class!

Drawing their favorite memory of summer time. 

Nothing like first day circle times and welcoming each other.

Lets just say everyone was so excited to be back at school! After davening happy dances were a great expression of that!

Nechama, working on our commitment people sticks. During the year our class will be committing themselves to a skill they will be working on. The first one we will be introducing is attentive listening. What does that look and feel like? 

The first week of school we all experience a whole bunch of different emotions. Identifying them is a key skill.

Coming up to our feeling chart and showing our friends what they were feeling currently. Leah's body language showed us a lot! Nechama, told us she felt loved.

Expressing our feelings through drawing.

Prk Kria

Practicing writing the letter Alef and coloring the first letter Edom (red) .

Kindergarten Kria
We are starting off the year touching up on any tricky letters we need to review before introducing the first vowel. 

In Academics we heard a great book about the first day of school.

Working hard on a word hunt.

Aftercare fun learning how to draw a boat.

Enjoying time together in our library.


First week feelings!

Welcome to Torah Tots 5784! 
Our Gan family open house was such a great way for our friends to start feeling comfortable with the classroom and Morahs. 
Creating a scrapbook page of our summer experiences so we can have it as a keepsake in our classroom. We will be adding to our Gan family picture book throughout the year!

Our primary goal in the beginning of the year is establishing safety through routine and procedures. 
Our big new clock helps our friends know what is happening next which allows them to feel a sense of safety. 

On the first day of school, Arielle decorated herself for our classroom bulletin board. 

Jobs and responsibilities  are established right from the beginning. Each child receives their job on our magnet board and feels so special taking a leadership role. Tal and Yocheved, were the Tzedaka helpers during davening circle. 

Learning responsibility by cleaning up after we play. Yosef was so strong carrying the bucket of toys all the way to the Morahs room. Zalman, helped sweep the classroom.

Circle time is such a sweet connection time!

Levi, proudly saying a Bracha on his Tzsis. 

Through puppet shows this week we learned about all types of feelings we can have especially when starting something new. 
Ayal, showed us in the mirror his happy face. 

Using playdough as a medium to express our feelings.

Building friendship and connection through finding our friends in our sand sensory table.

One of the highlights of our routine is music and movement before we sit down for circle time. Such a sweet time for connecting and getting all our wigglies out. 

Hard at work outside. Enjoying our new water station.