Friday, January 17, 2025

Baby Moshe and Muffins for Mom!

This week we learned about Parshas Shemos. It was so exciting starting the second book of the Torah.
Mendy, acted out the new King Paroh who did not like the Jewish people. 
He wanted them as slaves to work for him but started off by helping them, paying them and slowly they had no choice. 

Yossi, who was the King's stargazer saw a baby boy who would be born to the Jewish nation and take the Jewish people out of Mitzrayim. This made Paroh quite nervous and ordered all the baby boys to be taken away. 

Leah, acted out Miriam who was Moshe's sister and watched over him while his mother Yocheved placed him in a basket in the water. 

Nechama, who was Batya King's Paroh own daughter saved Moshe from the water and help bring him up in the King's Palace. It was so important to learn how each step of this miraculous story was all planned by Hashem. Sometimes it seems so dark but Hashem is always with us .

Creating art that shows what we learned. 

Leah and Shai made the burning bush that Hashem spoke to Moshe through.

We have been learning about community helpers. We played a fun match it game.

We helped make a big Tu Bshvat tree out of recycled items for Torah Tots bulletin board.

Muffins for Mom
What a fun time we had spending time with our mothers making Challah, and beautiful flowers for the Shabbos table. 

Our Mommy's do so much for us and we wanted to pamper them a little bit. 
Mendy, enjoyed give a back scratch.

Our friends worked so hard making different types of hand scrubs for our mommy's . They smelled so good was hard to choose!

Enjoying some message machines together. 

Good Shabbos!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Healthy Teeth and Muffins with Mom!

This week we continued our Community Helpers Unit by learning about Dentists!

We checked out our beautiful teeth in the mirror and talked about how to keep them healthy. 

It's always fun to try to count our teeth. A fun math game using playdough as the teeth was a great way to practice our numbers.

Brushing some yellow teeth with pretend toothpaste. Make sure we get all the spots!

How can we get the spots a toothbrush cant reach? Eli, showed us how to use a flosser!

Pringle containers was a fun creative way to practice our brushing skills.

Some of our friends have been sick and we miss them. This was a good opportunity to stay healthy and wash all our toys with soap and water.

Enjoying the brisk air together.

Helpers getting our new bulletin board  up! 

Making a Tree out of our recycling items.

Placing our family pictures next to our  tree!

Chaya Mushka, painting a sky for the bulletin board.

We have been hard at working preparing for our 'Muffins for Mom' party. 

What a fun event we had with our mommies.  Making delicious Challah together. 

Our friends made different flavors smelling hand scrubs. It was so much fun to choose and put it on our mommies' hands.

 LOVE you Mommy!

Good Shabbos!

Friday, January 10, 2025

Healthy Bodies!

Community Helpers Unit
This week we learned about Doctors and emphasizing taking care of our bodies. 
We played a fun game identifying our body parts. Our friends were invited to place a sticker on their friends body and naming the part.

Creating our own body part project.

Mr. Potato man is a great helper when learning about our body. 

Chaya Mushka and Levi, take care of their babies in the Doctor office center. This is a great opportunity to talk about their own experiences.

Zalmon, making a big person on the carpet!

Our friend Eli's mother is a surgeon and she came in to show us her important work that she does using an interactive anatomy doll.

Zalman, making a tower out of mega blocks. First to his stomach, than to his chest until he reached his head. 

Self- portraits. 

We learned about our bones inside of our body. 
X-rays are a special way to see our bones. Chaya Mushka, showed us when she got her x-ray taken to make sure her bones were healing from her break.

Making an X-ray craft using chalk and Qtips. 

It is a Mitzvah to take care of our body and eat healthy foods. 
We categorized what is good for our bodies and what is not.

Cute discussions. 

When children are part of the process the chances of them eating healthy go way up!
Cutting our own delicious healthy salad together.

Little chefs hard at work.


We want to wish a Happy 4th  Birthday to Ayal!

Shabbat Shalom!