Friday, November 15, 2024

Welcome in!

This week we learned about the special Mitzvah of הכנסת אורחים (having guests) from Avraham avinu (Our forfather). Avraham was 99 years old when Hashem told him to get a Bris (circumcision). It's a mitzvah that all Jewish boys do that shows the special bond with Hashem.

After the bris, he needed time to rest an heal. Hashem knew that Avraham loved having guests so He made the sun shine so bright that no one walked outside. Still, Avraham waited outside his tent, in case someone would walk by!

Nechama and Chana, making Avraham's tent.

 This week, just like Avraham, we had special guests!
First, we made an invitation to the Torah Tots class.
"Please join us for some cookies on Wednesday!"

Leah and Avraham, writing "I love you!".

Next, we gave the Torah Tots class an invitation 💖

We baked some delicious cookies, set the table and waited for our guests to arrive.

When they arrived. we welcome them in with so much joy!
Leah, handing out the cookies - our guests got first!
Oh! Don't forget to say a brocha!

"Bye! Please come again!" the kids said while walking our guests out! "1,2,3 steps"!

Avraham while waiting saw three people coming they were actually angels, and they gave him and his wife Sara a brocha for a baby.
When Sara heard the brocha she laughed because she and Avraham were so old like our babbies and zadies, our grandfathers and grandmothers.
"Haha us having a baby? I am so old and Avraham is even older! Haha"
Is there anything that Hashem can't do? - no!
They did have a baby, and they named him Yitzchak (laughter in Hebrew).
Mordy, putting the parasha in the right order.

The morahs, created a new corner in the class room. The safe space corner.
Having big feeling could be hard, but these exercises are here to help!

Yossi, pushing the window and stomping the ground to let out his anger in a safe way.

Breathing and yoga.

How are you feeling?

Dancing for Moshiach!

Fun car wash game.

Playing together at the sandbox.

Happy Birthday Mendy!

Pre-K Kria

Continuing our letter vov work.

K Kria

Creating Tzeire with air dried clay!
Tzeire Yud sounds like YAY!


We have been learning to tell on the hour time. At Circle Time we played a clock reading game to reinforce the concepts.

Yossi working hard on his fine motor and number recognition. 

Donuts for Dad!

Be our guest!


This week in Torah Tots, Parshas Vayeira came to life!

The very first Jewish couple, Avraham and Sara taught the world about who Hashem is. They had a tent with four doors that they would invite all types of people and offer them food and learn to bless Hashem for what we have.

Zalman and Yosef, acted as the guest to show our friends how kind Avraham and Sara were.

Role playing in the tent. The boys had fun trying to balance all types of objects and feeling very proud.

We learned Sara baked Challah just like we do! Using playdough and pictures for inspiration to make our own pretend Challahs.

Using puppets is a great way to bring up some big feeling we have in class and learning tools how to handle them. When our friends are in their frontal lobes during a neutral time that is the best way to learn and practice.

Laughing is the best way to learn!

Taking what we learned about Avraham and Sara and becoming hosts and how to invite guests over.
Our friends, worked really hard on an invitation to invite the Prk/ K class over for yummy cookies we made.

It took confidence to speak in front of our older friends.

Using art to learn about the Parsha. There was a cloud over their tent to show Hashem was always watching over them. 

Ayal, showing what he put in their tent! Sara's candles and Challah.

Levi, making a big Shabbos candle and seeing how many he can hold and balance.

Donuts for Dad was a hit!

Friday, November 8, 2024

Trust in Hashem!

This week's Torah portion  is Lech Lecha! Hashem tells Avraham to go from his home to a land that He will show him. That was a hard challenge but Avraham had a lot of trust in Hashem.  Hashem tested Avraham 10 times. 

Yossi and Mendy doing a trust exercise! 

The second test,  Avraham and Sara arrived in Eretz Israel and there was a famine, no water and no food. They could've complained to Hashem for sending them there. Did they lose their trust in Hashem? - NO WAY!

They than made their way to Mitzrayim.
The Third test was when King Pharaoh took Sara from Avraham.

Sara davened to Hashem and he sent an angel to strike Pharaoh! Pharaoh understood this woman was a Tzaddekes (righteous) and he sent her back to Avraham and he gave them expensive gifts!

Nechama and Yossi working on a desert scene.

Hashem gave Avraham a blessing that from him will come a big nation! So big like the amount of sand and the amount of stars in the sky!
Shai, writing letters in the sand!

A fun science experiment with stars using baking soda and vinegar.

All the boys came to school wearing blue!

Wind play!

Saying Tehilim with Rabbi Lang for the safety of everyone.

Pre-K Kria

Learning the letter Vav!

K Kria

This week we had a Tzeire Party! The kids got to ride the Tzeire bike!

We enjoyed a sweet treat while listening what Ziggawat was up to!