Friday, December 13, 2013

Learning to research facts in a Library + Use info to create own book!

To inspire the children to enjoy reading, as well as value the knowledge they gain from researching in books, we took a trip to the beautiful Camarillo Library!

 The topic we were curious to learn more about was SNOW and HIBERNATION.

In preparing the children for this trip, we spoke about how the children might find the books they want- among so many thousands of books the library has? How will they know which shelf to look for?

The children entered the library armed with knowledge of WHO to ask for help (Librarian), and WHAT we were looking for (books about snow and hibernation!)

Mary- the librarian directing the children



In this google fast paced world- the skill of staying FOCUSED has got to be one of the most valuable and crucial skills for success. 

The children successfully remained focused on only picking up books that related to the TOPIC we were looking for!


 After collecting over a dozen books, we chose one to read at the library!

We then narrowed it down to 6, that we would borrow for our classroom to do the research we were looking for!

While sitting at the library we spoke about how we need to take care of the books.

 * * *

Using research to create our own book!

After reading all about how animals hibernate in the winter, we made a book- where each child authored a page in it!

The children will enjoying reading this book in our classroom library!

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